Chapter 23: The Talk

Tim closed the door to the shop and flipped on the lights and headed to the back of the store. Kate went to her preferred chair and sat down.

After a couple minutes, Tim returned, carrying two steaming mugs of cocoa. He handed Kate one and then sat in the chair next to hers.

Together they sat in silence, Tim waiting for Kate to speak first.

“I don’t think Eva’s going to make it.” Kate said, staring into nothing.

Tim looked at his friend. “Kate, your sister seems like she’s in pretty good shape. People tend to have a better chance–”

She cut him off. “Her health isn’t going to change anything.”

“What?” Tim was skeptical. “Did Doctor Nguyen tell you that?”

Kate shook her head. “No. It’s something else.” She hadn’t considered how she would begin to share everything Thane told her the night before.

“Thane stopped by last night and went into a little more depth about his job.”

Tim sipped his cocoa and then inquired, “Was this before or after your date with Arky?”