Chapter 24: Awaiting the News

Tim scratched his forehead. “You know, a few days ago a question like that would have concerned me. Though I’m still curious,” he placed both hands on the counter. “Why do you need a weapon?”

“I’m meeting with several of my clients tonight and let’s just say I don’t trust some of them. Hopefully there’s no need for it, but if there is, I’d like to be ready.”

Pulling a binder out from underneath the cabinet, Tim dropped it on the counter and flipped it open. As he looked through the contents, he said, “I’ve got lots of knives in the back, some rifles for hunting though you’d need some form of ID for those.” He closed the binder. “Actually, you’ll need money for all of them.”

Thane sighed. “You can’t loan me anything?”

Tim walked back to the small warehouse connected to his shop and came back with a broom. He held it out across the counter.

Thane stared at it. “What am I supposed to do with this?