Chapter 43: The Last Parting

In a soft voice, Thane asked, “If I asked you to hide before they got here, would you?”

Kate frowned. “No. I’m not leaving you again.”

“That’s what I thought you’d say,” his voice sounded tired. “We haven’t been able to discuss it, but as we are pressed for time I’ll give you the short of it.” He lowered his hand from her head and got to his feet. Kate scooted away and stood up as well.

He continued. “Arcturus intends to turn you into one of them. He did have a dream in which you were an important figure to the vampires in the future. I think I can get close to Arcturus, but it won’t work if he has you.”

“How?” she demanded. “I need to know you aren’t just preventing the inevitable. Tell me quickly, or I won’t go.”