Chapter 48: It's About Damn Time

Thane and Kate were dumped unceremoniously onto the floor by the Winterblood escorts. The heavy door to the room slammed shut, several locks clicked and slid into place, leaving them in the black, alone with each other.

Once her eyes were better adjusted to the dark, she looked around and saw three objects that resembled pieces of furniture; a bed, an armoire and a desk. Crawling over to the desk, she used the edge to stand up and then felt along the surface. Her hand brushed across a box she almost knocked to the floor. The moment she felt the rough surface on the side, Kate knew it was a matchbox.

Picking it up, only a single stick rattled inside.

Opening it up, took the single match out, lit it, and immediately spotted a lantern sitting further back on the desk against the wall. Once lit, she went back to Thane and attempted a partial fireman’s carry by getting underneath his arm.

Thane was partially conscious and sat up with her helping him.