Chapter 47: The End Draws Nigh

Arcturus stared at the Door embedded into the Stone from his knees, his mind in overdrive trying to think of a way he could salvage years of planning.

He’d forgotten how many futures he’d studied. For years, everything occurred according to his desires, from who he placed into power to the alliances created across the seas in far off lands.

Throughout the years, it took more than money or a forceful word to realign his vision to where it should be, but he’d always managed. He hadn’t lost control until he’d interjected himself directly into the events.

The Ambassador had to die. For whatever reason, he did not see Thane Edwards when using the power of the Dreamshade’s Stone. The man simply didn’t exist!

Arcturus cursed himself out loud. The guards had been dismissed from the large, underground room and he expressed himself openly as he often did when he was alone.