Change of Mind

This time, before Feng Yi could finish reading the message, Yu Fei sent another one.

[If you're too busy, forget it.]

[Give me a reply when you receive this message.]

There were a few messages in a row, and Feng Yi finished reading them expressionlessly. He tidied his clothes and suddenly stood up to leave.

"Young Master?" Yue Feng was stunned. Before he could figure out what was going on, Feng Yi was already at the door. He did not have time to think about it and quickly picked up the documents on the table and jogged over.

What was Young Master doing? There were still two hours until the 7 pm dinner. Was he going back to the office to rest?

After leaving the meeting room, Feng Yi headed straight for the elevator.

"Young Master, where are you going?" Yue Feng asked with a confused expression.

"Cancel all dinner parties tonight." Feng Yi said calmly as he tugged at his tie.