The Old Master Is Here

Yu Fei felt that Feng Yi would not reply to her message, so she threw her phone on the sofa and started eating crabs with disposable gloves on. She ate the crabs very quickly and finished a box of crabs in a short while. After she was done cleaning up and washing her hands, she picked up her phone and realized that Feng Yi had replied. She quickly opened it.

Feng Yi's style of reply was the same as his personality, short and concise: [Okay, I'll go back then.]

"Pfft!" Yu Fei had just picked up a cup of water to drink and almost spat it out.


"We're all family. Don't be too polite."

In the hall, the servants stood in a row. Butler Zhao also stood respectfully at the side. With a careful and attentive expression, he brought the brewed tea over. "Old Master, have some tea."