He Is the Big Boss

Yu Fei was the kind of person who would be immersed in the character. Everything around her seemed to disappear. At this moment, she was Xia Zhixing.

She cried so hard that her eyes were swollen. "Senior, thank you. Thank you so much…"

Her voice was hoarse from the last line. She had used up all her strength after the scene.

Feng Yi was a little surprised. Yu Fei got into character too quickly, and he thought that she would have to do it many times, but in the end, she perfectly acted out everything in that scene in one go, and the more she acted, the better she got. Although he was not an actor, he still had a good sense of acting. She acted very well in this scene.

Yu Fei was still in a state of shock. She was lying on the ground, crying and panting. Suddenly, her vision darkened and a fragrant handkerchief was handed to her. "You acted very well."