A Strange Dream

After that, Yu Fei washed up and went to sleep. Her biggest problem had been solved recently, and she could finally have a good sleep.

However, that night, she had that dream again. The surroundings were pitch black. She could not see her surroundings clearly and could not move her body. She could hear the voices of a few women.

"Is it her?"

"Yes, clean it up properly. You must make it clean."

"It's too easy for her. I wonder what kind of good deeds she did in her previous life... For her to be so lucky and be chosen by Young Master."

The air was filled with the fragrance of roses. She felt as if she had been soaked in hot water and a pair of hands were massaging her body. After a while, she was fished out of the water again. After that, more hands were busy working on her body, and her body was covered in a lot of cold things. It felt like a century had passed. She was placed on a bed, a very soft bed.