Boss Is Willful

When Feng Yi left with Yu Fei, the crew stood in a line to send him off, like an emperor on a tour. After filming for two years, this was the first time he had received such treatment.

"President Feng, take care!"

"Little Fei, don't be in a hurry to come back. If you can't come back, you can film your scenes tomorrow," Director Feng said seriously.

Yu Fei was speechless. Director Feng, who had always been professional and had high expectations, actually said such words. If she had not heard it with her own ears, she would not have believed it.

"Feng Yi, where are we going?" The car drove further and further away. Yu Fei was curious. Feng Yi could not have come to the set just to pick her up for dinner, right? There must be something else.

"Let's eat," Feng Yi replied faintly.

Yu Fei did not believe it.

"What else do you think we're doing?" Feng Yi continued.

"I thought you needed my help." Yu Fei touched her nose.