Otherwise, Who Do You Want to Have a Scandal With?

Yu Fei did not know how to retort. She could not possibly say that Qiao Anna would make things difficult for her, right? There was no way he would believe her. Qiao Anna had always been gentle and decent in front of him.

"Brother Yi." A charming and gentle voice sounded. Qiao Anna was wearing her school uniform and looked much purer than usual. "Brother Yi, it's too hot here. Why don't you rest in my van?"

"No need," Feng Yi rejected coldly.

Qiao Anna was not angry. She smiled and said, "Since Big Brother Yi isn't going, then I'll stand here with you."

Yu Fei was speechless. How infatuated. With such a beautiful woman under the sun, any man would be tempted, right? She could not help but glance at Feng Yi, and then she changed her mind. Feng Yi wasn't in the 'any man'. He really did not react at all. If it weren't for the two nights they spent together, she would have suspected that he did not like women.