checking the tree hole.

after hailin send little one and little four to the ox car she also went to mountain with a basket on her shoulder when she was sending both of them she also saw yefeng family on the ox car probably going to market to sell the things.

because yefeng was going with her family she was not able to join hailin again which make hailin sign in relief or else she don't know how to check the tree hole with yefeng around her.

when she reach the tree she was already panting in exhaustion hailin physics was very good she was able to climb mountain without taking a rest in her whole way cause of this she arrive there earlier then yesterday.

she put down her basket and take a good look around the tree it was very old tree but it show no signing of withering after making sure that she was alone here she take a look inside the hole.

she was stunt by the view the home was large and can shelter two more people like her what was more surprising was that the hole was warmer then the outside temperature.

she was very surprise with this discovery she look around and found nothing when she was about to go outside she saw something moving in the dark side of the tree.

she become alert slowly she walk closer to see what is there since the side was very dark she was not able to see what that thing is.

she was very alert but when she saw pair of small round blue eyes she was stunt she grab the thing and come out from the tree hole in the sunlight she was able to see that the owner of the blue eyes was cub of black panther.

The baby black panther was looking at her with his innocent blue eyes there was blood on his left leg which mean he was injured.

she carefull carry him and look at his injured leg the injury was totally covered cause of the black fur on his body under the sunlight it shine beautifully she was memorize by it beauty it was very cute.

"aww little baby what doing here, where is your mom" she look around and notice there was no sign of adult panther roaming around the area usually mother panther alway keep its cub with herself.

but there was no sign of panther visiting this area after looking at his injured leg she guess that the baby panther had injured himself and when the mother saw it will not survive she leave him alone.

hailin felt very sad about the baby panther she again take a look at his injury his leg had almost healed which was miracle looking at the scar around his leg she can guess that the injury must has been very serious that why the mother panther leave it cub since there was no sign of survival for the baby.

hailin look at the skinny body of the panther even though his injury was almost healed be was still hungry she want to bring him back with her but she was worried if the villager found him then she will be not able to protect it.

she was also not able to provide him with food with her current situation if she want to raise him she had to feed him lot of meat which is very hard for current her.

she grit her teeth everything she want to do require money even simple thing as raising a pet is hard for her right now she felt very sad she want hailin family to grow more powerful then she will be able to repay her.

she take a deep breath before calming her emotion infront of other she can't cry or else who will take care of the family she look at the baby panther in her hand she decide to give him some food.

giving him one time of food won't hurt her she quickly run back to her house and bring a large price of raw pork meat for the baby panther she reach there she saw the baby panther trying to walk back into the hole her heart soften.

"hey baby panther first eat something then go back to your home look if you don't eat then how will you grow up" she carefully pick him and place him in her lap she tease him little then give him the meat.

the baby panther eat the whole piece of meat in just few sec she was amuse by it speed of eating but she also felt depress she can't provide him with food every day or else she had to go hungry for nights.

she sign sorrowfully then place the baby panther back in the tree hole the hole was warm so she was not worried if the baby panther will freeze to death in night.

she come out from the hole and pick up the basket she start collecting fellen fruits on the ground when the fruits was collected by her she once take a look at the baby panther before leaving the mountain.

it was afternoon and villager where cooking there lunch so no one saw her coming from the forest when she reach the house she heard laughter of brother inside the house she frown it only has been few hour since both brother had leave the house they are home this early.

she walk inside and place the basket in the kitchen the laughter was coming from the mother lu room when she enter she saw everyone present there and little four had proud look on his face.

"look older sister is home" little three excitedly come to her and take her toward the mother lu bed then she notice the huge bag which was filled with money she look at them puzzled look.

"older sister little four sell all the fruits today in just few hour not only he sell them but he also sold them in higher price then other" little one explain her which make her stunt.

"you sold them the fruits in higher value and they buy it" she don't believe it then little one told her that little four sell the fruits by saying that these fruits help one to gain beauty and youthfulness.

ofcourse women will not leave these fruits after hearing this and the fruits were also very good for health so she was not worried if someone will come to them saying that they are fraud.

she look at little four she realise that he had talent in the area of business a smile bloom on her face but no one notice it before it was gone back to normal.