Meeting the people from border.

halin was stunt when she heard how little four earn money she really had touch the weak spot of girls which women don't want to look beautiful not to mention in his era where beauty matter very much for womens.

"little four i had collect more fruits today you can go and sell them tomarow now go and play" although she want to teach him how to earn money but he still a kid he can teach him slowly.

"hailin it has been fourteen days since I'm laying on the bed let me help you with the housework" mother lu alway try to find excuses to help her kids but the brother donr dare let her work they alway saw that older sister had told them to not let mother work.

"if you want to help then make sure to take care of twins" mother lu was helpless she want to say something but when she was her daughter stubborn face she keep the words inside her throat.

"older sister you had come on right time I already had cook lunch let's eat together" little three quickly move his little limbs before his older sister start giving lecture to mother.

soon after their were done eating both little four and one hand the money to hailin that they had earn today by selling the fruits they had earn total 15 silver and 756 copper coin she was very surprise by it.

In this era the money is like thousand Cooper coin=one silver coin and thousand silver coin into one teal of silver and hundred teal of silver into one gold coin and so on she keep the money to herself and go inside the room.

"mother I'm going to market it's going to be winter soon we need warm cloth for the season I want you to help me make some cloth boys" mother lu nodded her head happily.

"don't worry I will make them you just bring the cloth I got bored by just seating on the bed everyday it's good for my body to move little bit" hailin nodded her head.

"little one I'm going market to buy cloth for winter look at the house behind my back don't worry I will come back before the sky turn dark" hailin walk out from the house while shouting to little one.

"okay older sister" hailin had just reach outside of the house when she notice the son of head of the village coming toward her house she stop and greet him.

"hello shi what being you here" she spoke with a small smile when she smile she got dimple on her cheek shi was stunt by her smile usually hailin had cold look on her face she rarely smile infront of outsiders so shi was stunt before coming back to sence.

"hailin thank god i find you outside of the house come quickly some people from border had come they are probable here to give your father body" she was stunt before hurriedly following him.

when she reach the chief house she pause for a sec before entering the room she saw the chief talking with some people with smile in his face when he saw her he spoke with a smile.

"here come hailin the eldest daughter of Chang currently Chang wife give birth to twins few days ago so we didn't disturb her and hailin is also her father dear" the fact that her father dote on her was truth everyone know about it.

when the officials saw her they were stunt for few sec before coming back to there sences they had heard from Chang that his daughter is diffrent from other at first they used to thought it's just a father love for his daughter.

but now looking at hailin they can tell that Chang was right Chang was her father name every used to call him solider Chang when he was alive.

"greeting I'm hailin yun Chang daughter" her voice was sweet and clear making people feel like they looking at the forest fairy cause of her eyes and gorgeous features.

"you are hailin indeed you are very pretty like your father used to say even your name is unique i never heard of this name before" one of them in his later thirties comments.

"thanks for the praises my mother choose this name after coming two different name together" they nodded there head when they heard her reply she was not flattering them like other people but talking with them in respect.

it give them good impression on hailin not only she was beautiful but she also know how to speak they are from military and don't believe in ghost or other things they just felt that hailin is little different from other.

"hailin your father had died on border while protecting our young general if your father had not sacrifice his life then our country had receive greate blow with general death"

they don't waste there much time and got into the point why they had come here for.

"our young general is from the family of generals for fast few centuries there family had produce lot of general who had sacrifice there life for the country so when they heard that solider Chang had died while protecting him they want to show there gratitude" with that they give her a scroll.

"there family had given you ten teal of golds and few priceless black jades which is very rare they also had given you a token in the future if you need any kind of help you can come to general mension with this token they will surely help you with everything they can"

everyone present in the room was stunt when they heard the amount of money that young general had give to them he also give them some precious jade which are not easy to buy even if you had money.

hailin was the one who had receive the huge blow she had not except that the young general will give them this much huge amount of money with this much money there few generations can live without any worry of food and cloths.