becoming suddenly wealthy.

hailin was stunt when she heard the amount of money that the general had given to them but she was nit delighted but was very troubled with this sudden wealth which seem to be a dream in her eyes.

"aren't you were supposed to bring my father shield and other belonging for the ritual" in this era there was no system to preserve the body so when the solider is dead there shield and other belonging where given to there family for the funeral ritual.

both solider look and each other they were speechless with this much wealth infront of her but she actually care about some metal shield and other things both of them had good impression of her being such a good daughter.

"actually we want to tell you that your had not died but has been captured by enemy so we don't have his shield and about his other belonging our enemy had set fire which burn lot of things in our side" hailin take a deep breath in reality been captive is equal to death.

since the enemy will torture the solider for information being able to survive it only confirm that they had betray there country by telling them inside information people will consider him as betrayer but his family will also be effected so the solider rather commit suicide then telling enemy anything.

"I understand thanks for coming here and informing us about my father if you all are not in hurry then please come to our home it almost night you have dinner at my place"

"no it's okay we need to rush back to the border but we will help you with the things" both solider only had told her about the money not about other things since it was not good to talk infront of chief much but the money was enough for them to see greed in the eyes of chief.

they want to make sure that no one will hurt the girl they were also impress by her calmness if it has been someone else on her spot he/she must had start crying after hearing about the new but not only she was calm but also considering about them they saw no greed in her eyes they only saw pure shock troubled expression.

hailin also don't refuse there help she also seen the greed in the eyes of chief she don't want to be robbed or lost money that has been earned by her father just by thinking about father being held captive make her eyes redden but she didn't cry infront of the solider.

when she reach home she bring them inside boys was shocked by sudden guest in there house although curious but they don't ask her anything she only told little four to take the things inside the room where mother lu is staying currently solider was shock by the small house back at the chief house they had heard about yun family throwing the family out when they heard the news of chang death.

they felt that there family had suffer alot not only there father has been held captive but there famy also try to sold them away they look at hailin with respect they know that she was the one who save the whole family although her looks were different from other she was a brave girl which is hard to find.

after dropping her home they don't waste there much time and left everyone bombared her with questions they were itching to find out who were these people who had come and gone just like a wind catching them off guard.

"older sister who were they and what they bring with them" little three ask excitedly he look at the covered boxes he had want to open them and want to see what is inside them.

"go and gather everyone in mother room" currently little one and four had gone to fench water they never let her go heavy work which make her to live in little comfort she was just in-charge of the house little three run outside to bring his brother.

while hailin enter the room she saw mother lu seating there with neddle and thread in her hand when she saw her she had guilty expression on her face she clearly remember to be forbidden by her daughter to do any kind of work.

"hailin you had said to me to make some cloth for kids I was just working on my hand it has been very long since I had touch needle I want to excercise my finger little bit" mother lu quickly explain affairs if she was late she will be scolded by hailin.

"you don't need to make cloth I will buy ready made one for the boys not only for them but her the twins and for you to" even hailin was having time to control her excitement with the money that the general had given to them they can have very comfortable life from now.

mother lu was dumbfounded by the sudden change she want to tell her by waste money but when she saw her daughter bright face she doesn't say anything she had known her daughter very well she always had dark or cold expression it very rare to see her bright face.

hailin was not smiling but her shining eyes say how much good mood she is in mother lu was very curious to know what had happen to make her daughter this much happy.

"older sister I have bring other with me now tell me" little three enter the room with excited face behind him was little one and four who were panting since they had come here by running.

she doesn't say anything but open the first box which had ten gold note wrought one teal each by by looking at it make other gasp she doesn't stop there but open the third box there was total five box second box was filled with precious jewelry, third box centain serval precious jade's, fourth box had deed of a land and fifth box centsin a small token with beautiful carving on it surface.