
when hailin again open her eyes she is back in the cemetery laying on the ground with little venom seating beside her waiting for her to gain her consciousness back.

"master you are awake you don't know how much scared I had become when you lost your consciousness but... what happen master why did you suddenly faint away"

"I saw" little venom become confuse "what did you saw master" hailin groan in pain as she rub her forehead to ease the pain in her head.

"I saw the memory of the owner of this place this wings are not wings only they are symbol of love" she pause for few sec before getting up from the ground.

she look at the wings which has transform into stone she walk toward the wings and place her hand on the stone soon light wrap around her and the wings crack start appearing on the stone.

when the stone were completely fall down revealing the bluish silver colour wings appear infront of her little venom let out gasp of awe she was also surprise she has seen these wings in memory.

but these wings are more beautiful then the memory she extend her hand toward the wings those wings seem to sence her presence as they flee toward her and forcibly attach to her back.

she let out a scream of pain cause the wings are tearing her muscles to create space for themselves all the blood in her veins flow toward the wings so they can blend perfectly with her body.

but this process was very painful she fall down on her knees as she scream in pain little venom was dumbfounded but soon he also start panicking when he saw her condition.

he quickly left the place when he reach the water that giant squid appear from nowhere startling him but little venom didn't engage in the fight with him he quickly escape from there he search the whole inner region before finding the hundred year old ice clover.

this clover has icy properties but they are very good in easing the pain but consuming them without any fire property herb will give her backlash.

so little venom again busy himself in finding another herb for her meanwhile hailin whole body was covered in sweat as she tolerate the pain in her back.

she realise that the flow of qi inside the room has started to get thick she somehow manage to seat in Lotus position and close her eyes to cultivate and use this opportunity to raise her cultivation.

meanwhile little venom came back in sorry stage he encounter a pack of human eating ant these ant are extremely dangerous there group can kill even a earth bear.

he manage to escape from that place with his life is already a miracle he look at hailin who is cultivating but her covered is covered in sweat her cloth are covered in sweat.

he has no choise but to feed her ice clover as soon as the clover enter her mouth the icy feeling make her body numb cause of this she was not able to feel pain for sometime this make it easier for her to hand on for more time.

but suddenly her body temperature start decreasing as her skin start turning blue little venom broke out into sweat when he saw this HD know about the backlash but he still feed her without any other preparation.

he start blaming himself for being useless from the start she has been taking care of him but he only cause trouble for her he saw as think layer of ice start appearing on her body.

suddenly her wings glow in vibrant colour making little venom to close his eyes when he open his eyes again he was shock to see hailin whole body covered in blue flame.

blue flame has been most lethal and dangerous this flame has power to destroy everything in this world he was shock to see this flame appearing here he was confuse and surprise with the flame appearance.

logically speaking this flame should has not appear here but the owner of these wings is the women who is very first member of wing clan.

although her whole phoenix form has been snatch away by her clan members theirs something they was not able to take away and that was her Nirvana flame she has most pure phoenix blood which make her flame more powerful.

when she was blessed by goddes she give her blue flame which was emerge with her wings now she has taken her wings so the flame is also her.

but this didn't help her at all cause the flame start spreading in her veins enlarging them her bone structure was broken then reconstruct this process was more painful then the winds merging with her.

she spat out mouthful of blood but she didn't give up and continue holding on the ice clover not only ease the pain it also heal the body so the pain was unbearable but she still hold on cause the Ice clover is also healing her at the same time giving her some strength to hold on.

she spat out another mouthful of blood little venom was crying in a corner but seeing that she is still cultivating he was also determine to protect her at any cost he also start cultivating since the flow of qi inside the place is very rich the result was also very good.

by the time the process of constructing her bones structure again and again was done her body was covered in sweat and blood moreover she didn't faint away in the whole process which make mentally tired.

she collapse on the ground in exhaustion she close her eyes to rest but after sometime her wings start flapping on their own scaring her they take forcibly take her out from the place little venom also follow her but he was taken back by the thing infront of her.

hailin was speechless her body already has been refine very thoroughly but now she has to gone through this hell she mourn for her bad luck in her heart.