lighting tribulation...

hailin face went pale when she saw the dark cloud covering the sky above her head lighting flash in the cloud making sizzling sound making her shiver little venom was standing their blank look on his face.

"master... he don't need to continue hailin know what these dark cloud means but it's still shocking to see them in real life these dark cloud doesn't mean that it's going to rain but something else these cloud mean that she is going under lighting tribulation.

lighting tribulation is a ceremony which happen after a person breakthrough from great Ascension realm to half immortal realm but she is going under tribulation after reaching ascension realm this don't make any sense at all she look at little venom with bitter look on her face he can only watch from sideline.

she look at the dark cloud which are brewing slowly above her head soon the tribulation will start she quickly take out pills from her ring she wrap the pills in qi before throwing them in her mouth in this way the pills will dissolve in her mouth when the lighting struck.

she look at little venom "go and tell sixu to bring Zheng out from this forest" he look at her "master please let me stay with you" he was unwilling to go but after receiving glare from her he shut his mouth and go unwilling away from there.

she look at the beautiful bluish silver wing on her back with complicated look on her face she know to gain something you has to lose something she take a deep breath and prepare herself for the tribulation since this is the only option cause if she try to run away these cloud will follow her and the tribulation will be more dangerous.

it's better to stay here and face the tribulation then running away she loook at the cloud which are brewing the lighting she take few deep breaths little venom has already inform sixu about the tribulation and told him to go back to city and wait there for them to came back.

meanwhile in the central region of the forest was in uproar cause of the tribulation all the beast try to run away from the forest not wanting to involve in the tribulation this uproar in the forest attrack the attention of the people living in the city they came out from their houses.

"oh my god what's happening here"

"if I'm not wrong someone is going through tribulation"

"wow that person must very powerful to went under tribulation"

"I don't know I can't even imagine going under tribulation"

"you are right even I can't imagine this"

"is the person is going to die"

"don't know if he is lucky enough to survive the people from powerful clan will not let him live" lot of people agree with the man power house don't let any lone cultivater to become stronger so they can keep people under their feets.

inside the central region the space suddenly twist and large vortex appear few people flee out from the vortex those people were in sorry stage one of them who is dress up in black has devilish smile on his lips even after receiving multiple injuries he is standing there proudly while the other four people are not in good stage too.

"I'm telling you give up you can't live past today" one of them angrily shout at the man in black.

"make me give up" his word are enough to make the four people greet their teeth in anger when one of them is about to make a move he was stop by another man he look at him but he was staring at a direction when the other three follow his gaze they realise that someone is going through tribulation.

they all look at each then nodded their head four of them attack the man together they are not killing him but making him retreat at first he didn't realise why they are doing this but when he realise a smirk form on his lips he throw a powerful move at them then open the space and escape from their making those four man curse in anger.

when the space again open and he came out he was at the place where she is going through the tribulation first lighting has already struck her making her whole body brust into pain but since her body has been refine by the blue nirvana flame her body is much stronger the ice clover still has some effect on her body.

but cause of the sudden interruption the tribulation become more aggressive and he was also involve in the tribulation when second lighting struck her she almost faint away from the pain she still grit her teeth and stubbornly keep her eyes open she was not the only one who is struck by the lighting but someone else too.

but he was in much better condition then her he raise his eyebrow when he saw her stubborn look on her face as she continue facing the tribulation he look at the bluish silver wing who are flapping in the air proudly her silver hair were open flowing in the air but cause lighting they has turn black her dress has torn complete.

when the last lighting struck her she fall down from the sky like a broken kite without any string before her body can touch the surface of water a hand reach out and grab her he look at her face for quite time her face has burn beyond recognition but his face didn't show any disgust.

he take out a pill from his space and throw it into her mouth the pill is pure white in colour with strong medical fragrance this show that the pill is of high grade as soon as the pill enter her mouth it immediately melt in her mouth as the burn skin start falling down in rapid speed this show the effect of the pill.