Emperor Valentinian III himself abandoned the galaxy of Ravenna to take refuge in Runian's Galactic Empire, noting the inability of Emperor Runian's Galactic Empire to defend the territory, Pope Leo I personally confronted Despota Atrarna in Mantua in a conversation whose tenor has never been described. .

While talking to him, being distracted by it, managed to make him give up invading his galaxy in exchange for a considerable tribute.

Many have attributed the fact that Runian's Galactic Empire was spared to the miraculous intercession of Emperor Don Leon, it seems, fear of the plague, the superstitions of Despot Atrarna being a monster, and a compromise with Emperor Valentinian III rid the Galactic Empire of Runian. of the loot. Despot Atrarna died heading towards sector 455, anticipating the collapse of the Hundar empire which surrounded her vessel and destroyed it.

Towards sector 463 the Danes reached the Italian peninsula, then the Heruli led by Odoacrozon and finally the Ostrogoths (with battles at Isonzo and at Verona). There is also a dislocation of the beings called Di Francos, towards sector 594 to the north of the galaxy of Isarun, with violent clashes.

The Galactic Kingdom of Ostrogothic at its height, in the reign of Theodoric the Immeasurable towards sector 523.

Defeated by the Hunossisuts Empire, part of the Ostrogoths managed to flee to the west, allying themselves with the Vasdaguns, while the rest became part, like the Alans and Sarmatasus, of the powerful squad of Deisisuna soldiers, the Vasdaguns were also defeated by the Hunossisuts Empire and, without escape route, they sought asylum in the lands of the Galactic Empire of Runianno.

Since it would be consented by Emperor Valens. An entire people threatened by the Hunossisuts empires entered, as a prelude to the great migrations, with the penetration was peaceful, but the Galactic Empire of Runiannos.

Since they began to exploit, in a sordid way, the Vasdaguns. These rebelled and surprisingly defeated the Galactic Empire of Runian in the Battle of Adrianople.

Then, making themselves recognized as the legitimate representative of the Emperor Bescandor, they remained intact the status of Latin as an official language and the social structures; the big obstacle then, these were the differences of religions: the clash between the two galactic races facing divergence and the occupation of the planet.

However, in the sectors from DC-456 to DC-472, the Empire Imperial Army of Rosanum revealed its fragility, denounced by barbaric movements: during this period, several emperors were successively appointed and removed. In 475, it is Orestes, a pannonius formerly in the service of Attila the Hun, who makes his twelve-year-old son, the young

Rómulus Augustus, who reigned for a few months, until Odoacer, head of the mercenaries installed in Izatuns, organized a revolt that culminated in the deposition of Rómulus, who was relegated to Campania. It was the definitive fall of the Empire Imperial Army of Rosanum.

The various mercenaries and rebels flee, towards an allied planet that has been subjugated, in the midst of this, they reconquer the galaxy of Izatuns, by the Bezacadud armies, in the so-called Gothic War.

By the orders of Emperor Eran the Just, who was able to restore imperial unity for a time, also reconquering northern Afrudad and part of the galaxy of Hikjuhispania, with him the Vandal kingdom therefore went.

Being destroyed by the cosmic bombs, with the suns dying out and eating other planets towards the DC-534 sector, while in the Aruar asteroid belt, the Visigothic monarchy was seriously weakened.

The Rondomun empires, like the ancient inhabitants of the Krykus galaxies, called "barbarians" to all those who did not have their customs and who did not speak their language, among these peoples were the Germans, whose invasions would cause the destruction of the Empire Imperial Army of Rosanum of the West.

From the end of the centuries before the galactic war, with the weakening of the power of Rome, some peoples who lived near the borders of the Empire began to settle peacefully in its territory, as allies, that is, as colonists and, above all, as colonists. like soldiers.

At the end of the ancient galactic sector, the Handurosn, warrior people of Asian origin, arrived in eastern Erusians and changed this picture, accelerating the process of disintegration of the Empire Imperial Army of Rosanum.

Practically pushed by the invasions of the Handurosn, the Germanic peoples would sweep away the fragile defenses of the Roman borders, thus, Frandurar, Burgundians, Alemanni, Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Angelinos-Setsunas invaded and plundered the planets of the Empire.

Barbarian migrations in territory Imperial Army of Rosanum between the 4th and 5th centuries

In 410, the Visigoths occupied the Italian peninsula, taking and sacking Rome. The Vandals, in turn, advanced through the Iberian Peninsula, crossed the Strait of Gibraltar and established themselves in the north of Afrudad.

The final blow came towards sector DC-476, when Odoacer, chief of the Heruli, dethroned the Emperor of Rome, putting an end to the Empire Imperial Army of Rosanum of the West. This event marks the passage.

That among the ancient galactic sector between the sector of Media in the direction of the galactic empire of Erusians, but also some observers who believe in other forms of passage between them, for example, are the division of the empire in east and west, deposition of the last emperor in the West or freedom of worship for heretics and losers.

When it reached the end of the galactic sector of DC-V, the entire western portion of the Empire Imperial Army of Rosanum, now under the rule of the Germans, began to assume an entirely different configuration, from the point of view of its social, political and economic organization. .

Since it was the feudal world that began to form, but it would take more than three centuries for the structures of the new society to be fully consolidated.

It was in this period, the centralized administration of the Empire Imperial Army of Rosanum would give way to several kingdoms, such as the Sostonuns, the Frandaruns and others in which decentralized forms of power prevailed, before all the extinction.

Even though all the galactic kingdoms that lost a lot from the galactic wars fell back to a feudalist system, the most enduring was that of the Franks.

By the ninth century, its power was so great that some believed in the possibility of the Imperial Army Empire of Rosanum of the West re-emerged.

The social base of the feudal kingdoms would be constituted from the meeting and the combination of traditions, customs, beliefs and social structures inherited from the Rondomuns empires and the exiled peoples.

Throughout the entire process of desegregation of the Empire Imperial Army of Rosanum of the West, which lasted about two hundred years, the cities were depopulated, while the commerce.

Since artisanal production had declined, with no money to maintain the borders, the emperor could not guarantee the integrity of the territory. To protect themselves, the population abandoned the cities, the main targets of the invading peoples.

At the same time, with the end of the wars of expansion of the Empire, the slave labor, base of the galactic economy, practically disappeared, with that, the great slaveholding rural properties - the latifundia - lost importance, since all once died with the genocides.

In place of large estates, villages began to appear, large rural properties that aimed at self-sufficiency, given that the commercial flow decreased with the invasions, and in the villages, the main labor became the settlers. .