Who then, other than those two, would be responsible for the robberies, and Schultz punched Martin, finally, Martin admitted that he had taken $20,000, and the rest he didn't admit, and that he believed he was "entitled" anyway.

Dixie Davis related what happened next, but omitting some questions and also the ones he didn't know, of course, where Dutch Schultz was ugly and he had been drinking, and those drinks without them knowing were named, and suddenly, he had his gun out.

Schultz wore his pistol under his vest, tucked inside his pants, right against his belly that was as big as a pig, one in his vest and he had in his hand, it was all going according to plan.

All in the same quick motion he swung it around, stuffed it into Jules Martin's mouth and pulled the trigger, it was as simple and undramatic as that, and if just a quick flick of his hand and it was over as it started.

Dutch Schultz did this murder as casually as if he was pulling teeth, in which he was a murderer anyway, as Martin writhed on the floor, Schultz apologized to Davis for killing someone in front of him, was polite by the way.

Then he started slicing the man not paying much attention to the noises of both men, what he watched and what was sliced alive.

If he didn't slice him, he would still be alive and have stories to tell, and that wasn't the case in question, Martim was no longer in the game, and gave free pass to his schemes, in question the place where he kept his rich money. disappeared like magic.

Right under everyone's noses, and they covered every inch of that building that was where he'd rented to do his business, when Davis read a newspaper story about Martin's murder, he was shocked to find that the body was found in a snowbank with a dozen stab wounds to the chest, hadn't he fired?

When Davis asked about it, Schultz replied Dead-Pan, in which I cut his heart out, and these particular stab wounds must have been post mortem, but

Judgments for evasion of

In the early 1930s, U.S. Attorney Thomas Dewey had focused on convicting Schultz of federal tax default, on which they were never able to find other charges, there was no one to say anything, no one to denounce, and to the public, and he was a good citizen, fear didn't help the law.

Although he was initially convicted in a Manhattan courthouse, the verdict was overturned on appeal , and he knew it would be difficult, he had contacts and influence.

Schultz's attorneys then successfully argued, which he can point out, was one of Amasteus' attorneys, in which fair that his client could never get a fair trial in New York.

The appellate judge agreed and moved the second trial to the small town of Malone, upstate New York, with the case going to a second trial, Schultz quickly began to present himself to the townspeople of Malone as a squire of the country. and good citizen, but meanwhile.

Tsuki was there beside Darkness, they were both using Zariel's influence well..., and he had a nice embezzlement of funds in charities diverting essential resources, overpricing essential products, and he embezzling money from his personal safe, where those who were under their seat.

Being that they were staying in his rented building, and while he was giving attention to the supposed shirtless, where everything was like an election campaign and kissing the faces of babies, and in the meantime, he was emptying the safes and diverting the trucks that were going to transport their goods blaming other rivals.

He donated money to local businesses, donated toys to sick children, and carried out other charitable actions in that vein, the strategy working when he was acquitted of tax evasion in the late summer of 1935, and while he was convincing the mayor by expelling from the city.

The mobster robbing plan was old and could be repeated many times, the repetitions sometimes worked, and New York Mayor Fiorello La Guardia was so outraged by the verdict that he issued an order for Schultz to be arrested. sight if he returned to the city.

As a result, Schultz was forced to relocate his base of operations across the Hudson River to Newark, with as defense costs to fight his fiscal case mounted, Schultz had found it necessary to reduce the commission he paid to those running his political rackets. .

In which even though he didn't realize that his funds were also being diverted, due to overbilling each product, and in order to reinforce what he called the Arthur Flegenheimer Defense Fund, in which soon one of them would not do well and ending up falling into his traps.

This tactic angered the runners and game controllers, who despite being threatened with violence for showing any dissent, hired a hall , in which they held a mass protest meeting and declared a strike.

Very quickly cash flow dried up and Schultz was forced to retreat, this permanently damaging the relationship between his gang and his associates, causing a schism and instability among the groups who had those who were dissatisfied, soon they would fall.

Chief Lieutenant Bo Weinberg, corrupt as he was, his loyalty came at a price, and he was so concerned about the amount of money that Schultz, who went to Mr W who could advise him, on what he was pulling out of the rackets to fund his legal defense, whether guilty or not, even with illegal funds, not knowing how much he actually spent.

It was at that time, advised by lawyers, he was looking for a way to unbalance it, and so the idea was born, and who sought advice from New Jersey mob boss Longy Zwillman, and playing them against each other, in which he put him in touch with Sicilian gangster Charlie "Lucky" Luciano.

The deal Weinberg wanted was to keep a percentage and keep overall control of the Schultz gang, if there was a gang war, in which they would struggle to spend the resources and pay no attention to how much they spend, or what and how much they spend.

Since they wouldn't pay attention to who would send the money, and if it disappeared, they wouldn't know who was to blame, besides blaming each other, where both sides would be in crisis and there would be splits, and wars and conflicts spend money and there are losses on both sides, and they would be financing an endless undertaking.

Which would result in the death of many, and guns cost money and shipments are stolen on both sides, and often blame each other, where the government only sees and finds only one way to win, and that is that they are not getting the taxes if they had the idea of confiscating it would be too late.

However, Luciano planned to break the gang's rackets and territory among his own associates, once Schultz was convicted of tax evasion, but for that they would need to find the report and notebooks of real value, it would be difficult.

Believing a guilty verdict was a foregone conclusion at the second trial, Luciano and his allies implemented their plan to take control.

His plan met little resistance because of ongoing bad feelings about the wage cut attempt and Weinberg's support, which came from many sides and from the populace who had corrupt officials.

However, when Schultz was acquitted, he quickly arranged a meeting with Luciano through the Commission in order to clarify the situation which was complicated by putting a pause on the conflict, there was a common enemy.

On advice Schultz even converted to Roman Catholicism to get closer to Lucian, it didn't take much, Luciano calming Schultz down with the explanation that they were just looking after the shop while he was gone to make sure everything went smoothly.