As for the workers who gave part of what they produced to the lord in exchange for permission to use the lord's land, over time the small farmers would also hand over their planets to the large landowners in exchange for protection.

Some of these villages, bases of enemy galactic kingdoms, in which the relationships established in them contributed to the formation of fiefs, the basic unit of the entire feudal system.

When the fief was also for benefit, often a territorial area, which the lord donated to a noble, the one who made the donation was called suzerain or lord, while the one who received the donation was called a vassal.

Making the conquered kings their vassals, who did not own the manor - he could only enjoy this good, therefore, he was prohibited from making any negotiation that involved the sale of the land.

Since they followed from the Galactic sector of DC-IX, the fief became a hereditary asset, upon receiving the donation, the vassal became lord of the planets he received, it was he who could then donate part of these planets to another man and thus also become a suzerain or lord.

The intensification of the Germanic invasions in the western Erusians brought changes and added new elements to the society that was being formed.

When the Garthic peoples brought with them certain customs that were incorporated into the nascent society, such as the standard of justice, based on (customary) tradition, and notions of honor and loyalty, which underpinned the relationships between the warrior chief and his subordinates.

With the common practice among the Germans, the act of granting planets as a reward to men who excelled in combat was consolidated in this period, so, as they advanced and settled in the territory of the Imperial Army of Rosanum, the warriors became lords. of planets.

The union between them and their commanders was based only on loyalty and word. Thus, the new lords of the land became practically independent within their domains, which added Germanic and Rondomuns empire.

In time, they would turn into feudal lords, and the Empire's heavily centralized administration of the Imperial Army of Rosanum would give way to decentralized power.

The new social organization that emerged in Erusians with the breakup of the Empire Imperial Army of Rosanum – feudalism – took its most finished form around the DC-VIII and DC-IX sectors, at that time, another wave of invasions.

This time being undertaken by the Arabs, Hungarians, Slavs and Normans (or Vikings), it isolated the West Erusians from the East.

With the cosmic bombs, the destruction of the climate, the ecosystem and the environment, in addition to destroying all insecurity and creating an isolation between the planets and closing a good part of the galaxy, which then, created by the new wave of invasions, made it difficult for people to circulate. , further weakening commercial activities and the strength of cities.

With no growth across the universe amid the end of civilizations in all galaxies, it was the so-called age of trouble, with each planet having its ends, approximately 18 million years old with all races, at least 800 million years old without life would no longer exist.

Being that in three hundred million years, until the year 1100, this number increased by about 8 million inhabitants, jumping the total population to almost 26 million, in 1200, the mark of 34 million inhabitants was reached.

That is to say that in just four hundred years without the Erusians population has practically decreased by more than half and what is left in their isolated solar systems.

With the decrease of invasions from the 10th century onwards, it generated a climate of social stability unprecedented in the feudal world. The isolation between the fiefs allowed the number of deaths by epidemic to decrease considerably.

With no disputes against invaders and momentarily free from epidemics, the number of births began to exceed the number of deaths, causing the population to increase.

Using the lack of this growth, began a process of galactic exploration and search for planets that could be of agricultural sense of the planets of forests and swamps, even if the minimum habitable.

What they perceived was difficult, without there being only nobles looking to expand their domains, peasants who created new properties in the manorial forests, the foundation of new villages on the galactic borders, those who could not, simply died on the devastated planets and a principality or individual initiatives, of people in search of more pasture.

Since clearings were carried out (setback of forests, vacant lots, swampy areas to create arable areas) at the time, with the occupation of these new areas and the introduction of some innovations in cultivation techniques allowed to increase agricultural production.

However, this was not enough to feed the growing population of the manors.

The feudal lords then began to expel the surplus population. Banished from manors, usually on the grounds that they had broken some rule, many serfs were forced to beg or loot on the roads.


On each planet at the end of the war, what happened to the poorest population, the sons of feudal lords found themselves in the contingency of abandoning their paternal property. To ensure the supremacy of the fiefs and not divide their possessions, the feudal lords made their son their firstborn.

Being his only heir, therefore, the other children were practically expelled from the countless planets, having to find new ways to survive.

With that, as a consequence of this scenario was the appearance of countless groups of mercenaries, bounty hunters across the galaxies, as well as space pirates, looting and looting ships, in addition to enslaving ships with entire inhabitants of devastated planets, in which they lived by kidnapping some lord. powerful feudal lord to demand the payment of ransom.

The situations reached the point of being sold as slaves, having no planets to return to due to the wars and the devastation of their planets.

These circumstances accentuated the climate of dispute between the noble knights, during this period, there were also combats and tournaments that transformed the fields into real arenas.

The intervention of the Religious Society of Azuns was necessary, instituting days for the tournaments, as a way of regulating them and preventing agricultural production from being harmed.

In each of the planets, where this environment, dominated by the warrior spirit, favored the Crusades movement, promoted by the priests of Zaruvia, and its inhabitants and members died prematurely.

Feudal society is divided into three great orders, with the first comprising the orators, "those who pray", the members of the clergy, who took care of the faith were destroyed, in practice, they exercised great political power over a very religious society, where the concept of separation between religion and politics was unknown.

They maintained the order of society by avoiding, through persuasion and the creation of religious justifications, revolts and peasant hiring. The second brought together the bellatores, being those who fought.

It was including the nobility as a whole, responsible for war and security. The last order was that of the laboratores, "those who work", constituted by the people (servants and subjects), who worked to support the entire population.