In 1957, the trade union central AFL-CIO annulled the union's membership of its staff, stating that it would only consider canceling the expulsion if Jimmy Hoffa was no longer president. the unionist.
Even when he was on the verge of being arrested for bribery, and that was the least they found out about the charges.
Taking place in 1966, he was hailed for a new term, and when he was taken to prison at the beginning of the following year, he left the post in the hands of his right-hand man, in which he was Frank Fitzsimmons, the mobsters had no control over Hoffa. , but they had control over Frank, but what he did was take the money...
Since this exorbitant amount disappeared without a trace, and only the mobsters knew about the negotiation and the shady deals, when he took over, however, the hitherto companion distanced himself from Hoffa, who would never again command the Teamsters.