Several nations from the Crimson Cross galaxy settled peacefully within the empire, even joining the Galactic Kingdom of Raniunno army, either as soldiers or mercenaries, helping each other to defend the borders.

This phenomenon gained particular dimension after the crisis of the third era of problems, between the wars of the resumption, around the DC-400 sector, between thirty and fifty percent of the army of the Galactic Kingdom of Raniunno was composed of mercenaries native to the Crimson galaxies.

With no other way out, some barbarian groups were enlisted in Raniun's Galactic Realm army as entire units to help defend against other groups.

This was very popular during the civil wars of Galactic Sectors IV, when aspirants to the throne of the Galactic Kingdom of Raniunno needed to raise armies quickly, these barbarian units maintained their own leaders and lacked the loyalty and discipline of the legions.