The demons made the parties, with his soul, Edileia 's too.

An evangelical, who lost hope, someone who lost the source of his happiness, imagine, falling into an abyss of suffering, where he would see no alternative, where he, would lose the source of his lineage, where that baby he loved so much, would be sent to hell, imagine all the misfortune that would lead to a series of consequences.

Edileia 's mother was not yet retired, the apartment would have to go into inventory, so she wouldn't have anyone to turn to, she would have to live with the help of other children, she didn't get to know that her daughter died that week, for for some reason, she traveled.

Aguida Cavalcanti Landolfi, when she managed to get in touch with her mother, the woman also had a heart attack and died, so only her brothers were left, which there was also no way to contact, losing contact with each of them.