Aguida Cavalcanti Landolfi is a person thirsty for friendship, she wanted to feel loved, with friends, but she doesn't have it, she never will.
If Jose Pedro Porfirio Cavalcanti died, then, in fights for the city, that every brother, of Aguida Cavalcanti Landolfi died, then, she would be the most unhappy woman, who would live unhappy, complaining and still rich, with me as the only one to benefit, then, she would have an infinite source of income, but with no friends, no relatives, no one but me to complain to.
She would never complain about money, but she would give everything to me, without any alternative, she would have no way out, she would have nowhere to go, and she would stay by my side, even if she didn't want to, who she wouldn't give, with a series of deaths, tragedies in her life, she would have no alternative.