Tsuki returned to the West towards North America, where he stayed to investigate another study.

Due to investments, studies and research, your company discovered numerous medicines, in addition to investing in pharmaceutical products, your company became a pioneer in new medicines.

Lovecraft County.

At the moment...

Between Lovecraft and Golden Valley highways.

Rainy seasons, it looked like it wouldn't stop raining.

Between the highways of Lovecraft, at the gas station in the middle of the rains.

A student at Lovecraft University, being a brunette with wavy hair, was standing with the car in the middle of the rains to fill up the car, a man came out of the middle of the convenience store to answer, due to taking another ten minutes to hear the insistent horn , who called him, he had a cadaverous face, sunken eyes, with dark circles, he had long wavy hair that covered his face, wearing old and baggy clothes.