He spent time in a flare-up, then, the day before he was cornered again by Tsuki amid the impending student funding cut.
That morning, he was reported to the rectory, in addition to being investigated in an internal investigation.
That same morning, before opening an internal investigation, which was driving him into a frenzy of sexual assaults, which escalated into murder and genocide, Tsuki was investigating him, as he was suspected of stalking four of his female students. college and kill, while hiding in their cars.
On that day in question, he took a big house knife, ropes, and walked around the campus, in which he entered each of the five omega fraternity houses, in which he entered each of the dorms, of the five bedrooms, at 4 in the morning, he took the keys, then he went into each of the rooms, where he surprised each of the twenty girls from each of the dorms, tied them up, biting, raping, mutilating and killing, between punches and beatings, he cut their throats.