Chapter 3: Introduction

As I finished wiping my face with the rag and throwing it away the old man asked me for my name as I told him it was "Jack Lee ".

To this his response was "nice to meet you Jack nice strong name you got their. By any chance mind telling me why you are in this Forest by you self?"

As I stood their looking at the man and responded "I gave you my name what about yours?"

He then started to laugh lightly and say "Hahaha your right kid I forgot to introduce my self you can call me Fan Mo"

"So why is a kid like your self out in wilderness with no supervision huh?"

Seeing that the old man did not seem so scary as I though at first but I cloud not let my guard down with him but I decided to tell him the truth "with all honesty old man Mo I do not know were I am or how I got here all I can remember is my age and name."

As I said this the old man look at me as if I was lying to him as he stared back at me seeing how I would react. I stood their staring back at him waiting for his answer.

"Well are you going to tell me where I am at" as old man Mo was about hit the kid for being rude he remembers that the kid was scared not to long ago and decided not to hit him "your in the Earth nation border between the fire nation"

As I repeated what he said "earth nation whats that old man Mo" he then look at me in shocked and all he could see is confusion written all over my face

As he sighed and said "you really don't remember anything at all huh" and with a straight face "I did say I only remember my age and name only"

Old Mo then said listen kids I am not a teacher or anything but if you wish to know where we at and the world around you follow me as he walked back to where the the armored man was at.

As I was about to follow him I remember he sunk one of my feet in the ground as I yelled at him " hay old man Mo you forgot to release me" as he turned around and said "you know earth bending release your self"

"If you mean moving the earth around I don't know how" he then turned back and sighed "I guess the time you made the wall when you were spying on my battle was your first time bending" as I node my head to confirm it

He then stomps one of his feet down and the earth let my foot go as I followed him back to the armored man. On the way back I asked "why were you fighting that man that was throwing flames"

With out looking back at me he explained "the man in the armor is a Fire nation soldier and for the reason why we were fighting is because he stole some valuable intel on where some of are bases are locations are at."

"I looked at him and said are the Earth and Fire nation at war with one another" he then look at me "you really don't know anything huh I'll give you a lil run down on what going on with this world at the moment"

As I look at his back not letting this chance go to know more as he started to explain "In this world theirs is 4 great nation Fire, Earth, Water and Air and in the last 100 years the Fire nation has been in war with the rest of the nations" "but why are they at war I asked"

"Wait a second I am about to explain why we are at war you see in this world people have the power to use the elements but they can only use one type of elements and depending which nation your are born in you have a high possibility to have that nation element like how your know earth bending people will assume you from the Earth nation."

"But every 100 years there's one person being able to bend all 4 elements and we call them the avatar and it's their job to keep the peace with the world but one day he disappeared and with no Avatar the Fire nation attack and have been leading in the war as millions die every year."

"So the war is only happening because the peace keeper left and the fire nation keeps on attacking" if you put it like that then yes" "but why are 3 nation losing too one nation shouldn't it be the other way old man Mo"

"As I said I am not a history teacher so I am not going to explain I am just going to give you the basics that you need to know the only enemy you need to worry about is the Fire nation soldiers or anyone trying to kill you"

As I take everything in we arrived back to the Fire nation soldier as I look at him he seemed to be unconscious and covered in earth unable to move

As Old man Mo gets closer to the soldier he flicks his hand and his lower torsos opens up as he grabs the scroll around the soldiers waist noticing I was curious he opens it and showed it to me as I saw many mini camps along side the Earth and Fire nation border

"See if the Fire nation got their hands on this years of planing and thousands of people would lose their lives" I then asked him "when do you think this war will end"

He then look at me "To tell you the truth it could be another 100 years before it's over" as this enters my head I look at him and ask "can you make me stronger to be able to protect my self"

It depends kid can you pass my test as he looks at me with a crazy smile as I soon wonder what I got my self into