Chapter 4: Test

As I saw old man Mo's smile it gave me shivers down my spine as if I made a deal with the devil. "But before we start the test let's find shelter for the night" as I look around and the suns was about to set.

As I follow Old man Mo going back on the trail i ask him what about the soldier he then turns around and stomps one of his feet down to remove the earth covering the man.

"Is it all right to leave him like that" I ask as our eyes meet he then hands me a small knife and points at the man laying on the ground as I look in confusion "you must be able to kill you enemy even if their defenseless "

"Why must I kill him old Mo" "Did you not want to get stronger begging able to defend is one thing but in this world you must do anything you can do to win even if you have to take the life of your enemy"

"Kill" as I repeat this word in my head "I must kill in order to live" as I held the knife with both my hands as it trembles all the way till I got closer to the fire nation soldier though I did not want to kill him but I hade to

When I get close enough to the body I get on my knees as soon as I touch the the ground old Mo told me "remember kid he tried to kill you first your just return the favor"

As I herd those words anger started to well up inside of me taking control of my thoughts remembering his burning hand on my throat hurting me and threatening to kill me in front of old Mo just to escape "move or I'll burn one of you dirt people to death!" As I remember those words

That he said using me a child as a shield trying to escape realizing I could earth bend calling me dirt if I am but to me he was just a pile of shit he was just a worthless racist finding away to escape

When I got close enough I got on my knees and lifted both of my hands ready to strike down on the man's neck a thin layer of earth came between my knife and the neck of the soldier

As I turn my head "Why did you stop me" as old Mo got closer and crumbled the earth layer he just made he told me never kill with anger that is the best way to get you self killed kid and do not become like theme the only time you let them go is when you know that they're not a threat to you no more"

I then began to cry in silent as my tears fell down my eyes on to the soldiers mask "I was going to be like him someone willing to kill with out a thought "

Old Mo then began looking at me as he came closer with every step he took as his rough hand held both my hands with the knife as he pushed it down into the neck causing blood to leak out

I was already in tears now becoming a metal break down as I killed a man that old man Mo stopped me from killings only to force me to kill him but the only thing that pass through my minds is why did he stop me only to make me kill him after teaching me not to kill with anger.

He then began to talk not letting my hand go keeping it at the soldiers neck "you may be asking why I stoped you in the first place the first lesson I taught you is to never kill with anger or for revenge"

"Second lesson some times you have no choice but kill the enemy remember once he wakes up he will seek revenge and try to kill me this is how you cut loose ends when you have no choice he did not care about your life what do you think he would do when he seeks revenge"

He would come after your love ones if he can't reach you people are the most deceptive and cunning creatures you'll ever meet in your life"

After hearing this something in me broke the people I hate the most are deceptive people the ones that don't care about life but the gains in power

Soon after snapping out of my thought I heard the rest of the 2nd lesson Old Mo was teaching me "you must also be able to put the person you have harmed out of their misery even if you can't save them "

"But this man right here he lost to much blood with his severs arm it would take him days to reach his camp and with out medical care he would have died before he could reach his camp"

Ok kid time to go as Old Mo sunk body in the ground creating a grave and putting the soldiers in with his severed arm and placing his dog tag on the tomb some times showing mercy or humanity in the end is the best thing you can do it will help you sleep at night at times this is the 3rd lesson I'll teach you now follow me

As I nodded my head in shock I followed old Mo to a cave that was near by as we went in I saw earth made furniture two chairs a table and one bed covers in leaves

Old man Mo began to warm up some tea as he told me to take a seat at the table once I sat down and waited for the tea to be brewed he then came back to me.

He then began pouring two tea cups made of earth and passed me one I realized I have not eaten or drank any thing when I woke up as I brought the cup closer to my mouth and took a sip I burnt my tung in the process.

As I made a face forcing the boiling tea down my throat I saw that the old man was smirking at me no matter how hard he tried to con-seal it I could tell he was laughing at me

"Hay Kid I would wait if I were you give it awhile to cool down I did leave it on the fire for an extra 5 minutes to get all the virus and bacteria to die"

When I started to lower the cup I ask the old Mo

"Why are you out here by your self if you don't mind me asking? "

"Who says I am by my self I got you Jack"

"I don't count as one I mean before you meet me why are you by yourself out here in the forest"