Chapter 19: Journey to Si Wong Desert

It has been two months since the beginning of our journey to Si Wong Desert.

We have not encountered any issues but the trip is too long and has become boring as days pass by.

I have started practicing my bending during our travel to pass the time.

My skill hasn't improved significantly enough to notice but it's still better than doing nothing.

But soon after I began to get bored bending so I stopped and started to talk to Dhara.

Visiting villages that I pass as I gather resources and books to read.

Trying to read and walk at the same time was not too difficult at first because I senses where I would go but I finished my books too quickly.

Time soon pass and the fourth month began I picked up the flute to at least be able to enjoy my journey.

Being able to practice and walk at the same time was much easier than reading and waking up.

Though I still had to look at my fingers to see if I was placing them right I soon got the hang of it.

Though I have shown improvement in my flit skills I am still a beginner able to play some songs but still a little rusty.

After a week I can play songs without making mistakes.

Enjoying my music as I travel even Dhara became In tranced as she would nod her head to the melody.

As the sixth month started I began seeing the sandy hills from a distance.

Getting closer to the desert every day I can now play all the songs fluently.

Even birds began to follow me as they would tweet as I played getting some companions with me.

But this month was different I am now a week away from entering the desert.

Becoming excited that such a long journey could have felt so fast I began to reminisce back at my progress.

Passing villages and people and learning many new things on my trip I am glad that I started my trip to the Si Wong desert.

Begging to reach the sand Dhara jumped off my body begging to swim with ease.

As if it was like snow to her as she flowed deeper into the desert it became hotter as if this place wants us out.

Dhara could not stand the hot sand any long jumping out as she got on top of me.

But lucky for us, I got an umbrella from one of the last villages we visited when it rained during our travel.

Opening it cooling us down a bit feeling better than we were before.

Soon we heard someone call for help rushing towards the sound.

It was a man and a woman the man was holding his leg screaming in pain.

Seeing me rush toward them the woman meet me in the middle saying "help us he was bitten by a poisonous snake".

Looking at the man's leg where he was holding his wound asking him to remove his hands to get a better look.

But soon I was surrounded by three land boats and 15 people in desert attire.

Not picking them up by the vibration only seeing a fuzzy blur as I heard the same woman's voice calling for help.

"Hand everything you have!" As she held a knife at me.

As her eyes stumbled upon Dhara greed could be seen on her face.

"Also hand over the mini badger mole it will give us a fortune!"

As she spoke those words the desert bandits became even more serious.

As they all got into a stance ready to capture Dhara before she runs away.

Remembering what Old Mo told me before I left to never drop my guardian I began to laugh.

"That Old man was right there are people in this world that will trick you and manipulate you by your feelings to get the advantage".

As they became surprised that a teenage boy would laugh at them knowing that he was outnumbered.

They became angrier as two men throw nets at me.

About to land on me I waved my hands up as sand blades slashed the nets hitting the men that threw them at me.

Getting shocked by the boy they surrounded attacked them with so much power and ease killing the men as the blood decorated the sand.

"We'll that's two down and 13 to go!"

As sand tornados began to form around me.

The bandits soon became scared that they have picked the wrong Pearson to rob from.

But soon a voice of reason could be heard by the woman.

"He is just a boy that just killed two bendless people while the rest of you are benders we outnumber him, 1 to 13 attack him all at once!"

As they began to rush me with their boats I throw the two sand tornados destroying the two boats and the people on them as they were flung far away.

"And then there were five" as a demonic smile could be seen on my face along with laughter scaring the rest of them.

As the woman told her men to retreat as they got on the last boat ready to get away.

Seeing the usefulness of their boats I stomped my feet as the sand created a wall blocking their escape.

Ready to turn the boat in the other direction a hole was soon underneath them as they fell in.

Wondering how they got trapped in they saw the mini badger mole leaving the pit.

Having all hope lost Jack and Dhara leaned over the edge telling them "if you want to live put all of your belonging on the boat"

Doing what he said they did only having the clothing on them left stepping away from the boat and staying at the edge of the walls.

Jack lifted out of his arms as the boat rose he got on it with Dhara "Thanks for the ride" as an evil laugh could be heard getting farther and farther away.

As Jack and Dhara got on the boat Jack saw how they moved the boat as they created a mini sand tornado.

Moving it counterclockwise using the moment of the tornado to push the sail in any direction.

As he got a vehicle his travels will now become much easier in the desert.

But as he began to move around and have so much fun he spotted a village and with the items, he liberated from the bandits as money signs formed in his eyes.

Getting closer to the village he saw that people began to come towards him with weapons.

Remembering that the boat he liberated was the bandits he a summed that they thought he was one of them.

Trying not to cause any more problems he grabbed a white shirt from his bag and tied it to his umbrella, as he began to, wave it.

Seeing this the villagers were not leaking any more anger at him as he got closed arriving in front of them.

Hoping off the boat with Dhara warped around him he held his hands up with peace signs.

"What do you want"! Said an old man with a walking cane.

"I am here to just sell some goods and buy some as well if you don't mind".

"It's alright but first answer me this where did you get this boat of yours?"

"I was attacked by some bandits and defended myself and these were my prize of the battle".

Hearing this the old man was shocked that a young man that is no older than his grandson defeated some desert bandits that were terrorizing the civilians of the desert.

"Young man we thank you for defeating those bandits they have caused us a great deal of harm".

"No problem sir and if you don't mind may we start our negotiations?"

"My my a direct man you are come into my shops and may we start our business."

After selling the goods I got from the villager and buying a new set of desert clothing to counter the bright sun I also got Dhara some as well so she does not burn up.

After trading with the villagers I set off to look for the Spirit library.