Chapter 20: Finding the Library and Truth

Arthur here I accidentally deleted the mini training arc with Toph in chapter 19 and it was to late from me to notice. it was just his old training he did with Old Mo and he just stayed with her for a year starting his journey to at age 16 still looking the same leaving Toph at 14 years old and they promised one another to meet in the future.

Now back to the chapter:

After starting my search for the library I could not find anything but sand.

I soon created a new move to help me with my search I call it seismic scan.

It's when I focus all my attention on my feet and stomp the ground as hard as I possibly can.

When I do this I am able to sense deep in the ground at a large radius.

Doing this every time increased my proficiency in sensing the earth.

After weeks of searching and not finding anything every time.

Due to my failures in my search, I would go to villages.

Where I would ask for any information from the elders.

Going from village to village getting bits and pieces of rumors and folk tales.

What I have got for them in the past month is that there was a great library in the past and that they had followers that listen to the owner's will.

Piecing it together with the information that I already know.

Wan Shi Tong is the owner and his followers listened to his will.

knowing that he is interested in knowledge and won't leave the library unguarded I assumed that he would send his followers to search for it for him.

Knowing that I started a new search for his followers looking for anyone I could find in the desert.

Weeks passed I was ready to give up all I could find were villagers, and the occasional bandit group taking a break.

I saw a coyote not paying it no mind but I saw it holding something in its mouth.

I saw it holding a book realizing that it was not people that were following Wan Shi Tong but cayotes.

I began to follow it from a distance for miles in the strong desert sun.

Following it soon met up with other coyotes with books in their mouths as well.

They soon reached a lone tower in the middle of nowhere.

As they passed through a hole and entered the tower.

I started a seismic sense as I did this I could see a large underground library almost the same size as a village.

Finally, finding the library after 2 months I anchored the boat by the tower as I took Dhara and me in.

Propelling in by rope as we slid down and touched the floor.

I sensed that something large was heading towards our way.

Hiding behind a bookcase I heard a man's voice.

"I know you there you can't hind in my domain now show your selfie before your die for trespassing".

Trying not to die I came out with Dhara her hair was standing up as she trembled in fear on me.

Stepping out I saw a large black and white owl almost the size of a house.

As I started at it the owl asked

"Why have you come here?"

Not wanting to lie I said

"I want to learn more of the spirits if I can"

As he started at me

"For you learn my knowledge you must give in return some knowledge as well to gain what you seek"

As I began to dig in my bag the owl asked where I received it.

"I got it from the guardian of all animals in the forest Wu by the Fire and Earth Nation border".

"After learning his way in medicine".

I pulled the book out of my bag and offering it to the owl his eyes widen.

"May I have been searching for this book for the past hundred years to thinking I would be out in the human world?

"As he took the book "I thank you man for being back the book that was once lost".

"And to think that you are a disciple of the heart healer Wu".

"Great healer?"

A look of bewilderment could be seen on my face.

Asking why he is called that.

The owl told me that he once saved him when he got sick a hundred years ago and almost died.

With Wu's medical skills, he saved me and I owe him my thanks but because I don't ever leave I will help you with anything you want to learn.

"What do I call you human".

"my name is Jack Lee but you can call me just Jack"

After introducing myself the owl introduced himself as well

"I am Wan Shi Tong the guardian and owner of this library but you can call me Wan Shi".

"If you have any specific genera you want to read please let me know".

"Yes, I do if you can lead me to the books that contain any information on spirits".

"That is not a problem".

Following him, I asked him how old this place

"The place was created more than 1000 years ago even before the first avatar".

Learning that I now know why this place has all the information in the world.

Wan Shi took me to the section I was looking for.

"If you have any more questions ring this bell".

Handing me a bell he left as I began my research on the red spirit.

Reading the books for the next hours I could not find anything but the sprits.

But I did learn their rankings of them.

Common spirits are newly formed sprits less then 50 years old and have no power.

Rare spirits are older than hundred years old and have some powers over the elements.

Old spirits are older than 400 years with the ability to pass to the human realm with ease.

Ancient spirits older than 1000 years with great power like Wan Shi but are able to manipulate land and take it to the spirit realm.

The final one founders' spirits being the parents of all of the spirits and have been around since the beginning of Earth.

Though the founding spirits are almost extinct they are island-size lion turtles that rule over a law that they command.

Ringing the bell Wan Shi was soon behind me

"What can I help you with Jack ?"

"Reading these books I was not able to find a spirit I am looking for?"

"You did not may I know the spirit you are looking for"

I soon told him the description of a red-colored spirit with markings covering all over him.

After hearing this he asked where I have seen him at I told him a swap forest in the earth nation.

"Ah, you were at the swamp Forrest the forest of foreshadowing a place where you can see your loved ones or your future.

"But you saw the red spirit Vaatu".

"The spirit I saw was Vaatu what is he? L

"He is a high-rank ancient spirit older than me".

"He is the embodiment of chaos and power anyone he possesses would become the evil Avatar".

"So the avatar is a being possessed by a spirit?"

"Yes and no the Avatar just has a spirit called Raava seals within them allowing them to manipulate all the elements".

"But unlike Vaatu the Raava is the embodiment of peace and control".

"Raava and Vaatu are the same beings but separated from one another".

"Their fight was so great that Raava had to resolve help from a human and the first avatar was created and imprisoned Vaatu for the last thousand years".

"And because you saw him in the swamp forest your fate is intertwined with him in a way".

"Is to become his next vessel".

"Why can't I just refuse?"

"Like life, you can try to fight fate but fate always finds a way to come true".

"And you can't kill because once you do will kill Raava and gain the wrath of their parents"

"The lion turtles?"

"No forgotten spirits ruling heaven and earth".

"You have no choice in the matter I'll give you some advice".

"You must train your mind and body to be able to resist his corruption and the power that may erode your body".

"Take your time and stay here and train your mind and once you finish I'll take you to a place to train your body".