Chapter 21: Defense Measures

Making a choice I agreed with Wan Shi's recommendation. He took me to an empty room and brought me a book. He told me that I would not move on to the next book if I did not master one book first.

Understanding why he made such a rule. I began reading the title Understanding once's heart rate. This book thought me breathing techniques on how to control my heart rate.

Getting into a mediating stance I began to breathe in and out. As I sat for half an hour I could feel a calm energy pass through every inch of my body. Believing that I got a hang of this I ask Wan Shi to give me a small test agreeing he took me to a large empty room.

As we entered he told me to go in front of a wall as I did this he pulled a lever. Soon arrows launched out from the wall surprising me I created an earth wall as fast as I could as the arrows got stuck. "You will have to try again but this time no bending". As arrows once again were launched at me scraping my body and ripping my shirt. Stopping to catch my breath I heard Wan Shi "Until you can doge all these attacks without having your heart rate so high then we can move on". " Vaatu can use your heart rate against you and gain some control".

Understanding that I had a long way to go I ask to do it again. Arrows soon launched at me I started spinning and dogging every arrow that I could possibly doge. As my clothing began to get rip and small cuts covered all over my body I knew that this would take forever and especially with my weight.

Taking one of my rings off from each limb for the first time I felt much lighter. I ask Wan Shi to pull the lever again but he told me that he would not keep pulling it every time he then left the room. I asked Dhara to pull it for me. As she gave me a look that she did not want to do it I told her that I'll be fine pulling it I began to doge much faster and easier than the first time. But I still got hit a few times and could feel my heart beat like a drum. Getting hit so many times I began to treat myself as I began to rub the ointment on my cuts wrapping them as I sat down and beginning my breathing exercises.

Doing this repeatedly for the next week I saw some improvement but I could not keep my heart rate steady. Getting tired of training I went to the human anatomy section of the library to get a better understanding of heart rates. Opening books I learned that heart rate can fluctuate due to stress. I then went looking for a book on stress finding one I understood a bit better than I did before. Anything that the mind proceeds as a dangerous or strong emotion that one can't handle.

Improving every little bit at a time but still not able to control my heart rate I took a break. Beginning my meditation calming my body I wished that I could move while I did the breathing technique. Having nothing better to do I gave it a shot. Finding it harder to do but not impossible improving every time. I told Dhara to attack me slowly with her bending.

At the end of the day I could do it for 2 minutes during this time my body felt calm. my heart felt much better than usual. Still exhausting I kept pushing myself knowing that it could be done able to make progress I continued for the rest of the month. As time moved on I'm now able to take Dhara's attacks at a higher speed and still keep my heart rate steady.

Going back to the arrow room I began dogging still getting some cuts on my body but my heart is still a lot better than the first time I did this. For the next month I become much more agile and focused on each attack that came at me. Once I'm able to doge all attacks I'll put my third bracelet back on. From dogging arrows every day and meditating during my breaks I became able to use the technique subconsciously.

In the third month of my training, I put my third bracelet back on as I had Dhara launch more earth attacks at me from earth blades, waves, and tremors. I became able to keep my composure. At the end of the month, Wan Shi gave me a test where I had to dodge all the arrows and Dharas attacks with him included. Up for the challenge I began breathing and got in my stance as I began to move around doge the arrows and earth attacks. Soon large gusts of wind came in the mix. It was not hard in the beginning but when Wan Shi began to use his wind attacks that's when it got hard every time he did the arrows would redirect and scrape me.

Not wanting to fail I took two brackets from each of my limbs as my body felt like a feather. Now able to dodge all the attacks with ease this went on for the next hour. Spinning and jumping running like a madman as the walls in the room became scarred. Finally able to take a rest I looked at Wan Shi if I passed as he nods his head I fell on my back with a smile on my face. "You did well for only 3 months of training but theirs is still room for improvement".

Putting a book on my chest and leaving the room I sat back up reading the cover it said Understanding Once Mind. Finding similarities in the titles I read the book. It talked about how to understand the deeper meaning of people's words and intentions. Ring the bell to call for Wan Shi I asked him why he gave me this book and not a skill one instead. "The reason is that Vaatu is a master manipulated and will use any means to persuade you in giving him some control". "But wouldn't I know if he is trying to manipulate late me".

As I looked at Wan Shi "yes you may be able to but for this part of the training I brought a friend of mine to help you". As he step to the left I saw a short green-skinned man with pointed eras with a monical in his right eye wearing a suit. Asking who this is "my name is Negging and as you can tell my name means emotional manipulator". "My friend Wan Shi told me about you student of the great healer Wu like Shi here I owe Wu a great favor and I am willing to help you".

Becoming more curious about how great Wu actually is as I look at Negging "when do we start"?

"Now" as I looked into his eyes I was in a black space about to freak out I began breathing calming myself down as I did this Negging showed up. "You did well and here I thought you would freak out as most people would. Looking at the green man asking what is the point of this he said you will find out" as he snapped his fingers.

Opening my eyes I saw a knife in my hands as I looked down I saw the same red-armored Fire Nation soldier when I first meet Old Mo. Turning my head Old Mo was in Infront of me telling me to kill this man about to strike the neck soon anger and rage began to well up inside of me. As I began to see red as I stabbed the soldier multiple times blood began to cover my entire body and my face. Looking at Old Mo all I could see in his eye was disgust as he rushed at me launching a boulder at my face.

Getting attacked I lifted my arms up as a wall formed in front of me blocking his attack and pushing at Old Mo. As he grabbed the wall punching it as earth spikes were formed and another strike soon hit the wall launching the spikes at me. But this was enough time for me to wrap my fingers in earth spiked tips as I destroyed every projectile with ease. Rushing at Old Mo as he created an earth tremor shaking the ground but as his foot hit the ground I created a high rise.

As I was high up I stomped my foot as half of the high rise slid down as I pushed it creating a large earth wave overtaking Old Mo. Soon a devilish smile formed on my face I then saw a dome jumping off the high rise I rushed at the dome as I kicked the ground creating an earth blad slicing the dome in half. But Old Mo jumped in mid-air before it collided with him as he did this I lunged at him using my left hand to strike drive through his chest. He spat blood on my face as he spoke "I wish I never found you". With a smile on my face soon despair hit me like a rock.

Garbing Old Mo tries began to fall from my eyes as I became to go deeper into sadness. Soon a dark being was in front of me as I stepped back screaming stay away. Lifting my arm trying to launch a boulder at it but I was not able to as it got closer to me it spoke: "Your Body is mine"! As is began to lift me by the neck with one arm choking me. Passing out I opened my eyes waking up in the same room as Wan Shi and Negging wondering what happens.

Negging spoke: "You are one scary child being able to stay focused while in a berserk state". "Yes, he is he even gave me chill" spoke Wan Shi still in confusion. "What was that and what happens to me"? "You see kid I have the ability to manipulate people's emotions and I put you under an illusion to give you a taste of what Vaatu could do but mine is not comparable to his".

Putting it in prospectives I am a long ways to go being easily manipulated by someone much weaker than Vaatu I have no chance. Alright, let's do it again as Negging began to show a smile matching mine as he snapped his finger once again.