Chapter 22: Defensive Measures 2

For the next 3 months, Negging kept attacking my mind and emotions. Making me relive all my past fights and memories making me angry and depressed. Training on the main emotions Vaatu would manipulate me with. Completing another year of my exploration of the world I am now 17 years old though I still look the same I only grew to an inch becoming 5 foot 11 inches.

During this time I have not slacked off from my physical and bending training leaving the library to train in the sand. I became a master of the sand during my training, I am now able to were a fourth bracelet upping my total to 800 pounds. I began leaving small dents on the floors of the library with my steps.

But today was special I was going to be given a test by Negging to see how much I have grown seven I got here. As we met in the arrow room I sat down as I look into his eye as he snapped his fingers. This time I was at Bi Village in the Inn where I was staying at with James. As four grown men appeared knowing what was going to happen I began to focus on my breathing noticing a force was trying to agitate me.

Calming down I began to walk to James at the table setting down as I heard the same loud voice coming from the leader of the group. As his son comes in and yelling slurs at me. "That's him father the worthless piece of shit that beat me and my friends"! Soon his father began doing the same but threatening to paralyze me and make me a worthless person.

After those words left his mouth and into my ears a rage formed inside of me as I felt excited to beat the living shit out of him. Putting this thought at the back of my head I began to argue with the boy saying "just because your crush likes me more than you does not mean you have the right to bring your pals to jump me all at once and still lose to a nobody". His face was turning red sensing his blood lust leaking out.

As the boy charged me I lifted my finger as earth surrounded his feet keeping him in place. His father demanding me to release him doing as he said the boy fell on his face as I laughed at him. About to utter slurs at me again I surrounded his mouth in earth telling him the next time I'll bury him alive. Not moving as I watched him leave the inn leaving his father soon the group of men surrounded me. Knowing what was coming I covered their legs with earth braces that Old Mo wore. Only able to move an inch and losing their breath as they tried to walk. Walking up to the leader I whispered in his ear that the next time we meet I'll bury his whole family as I left the inn. Leaving the man petrified as he saw the look on my face.

Soon I was in the desert getting surrounded by bandits. As my anger kept getting pent up I used my bending to release some of it as a large dust storm formed around the field. Taking the bandit's sight I covered my eyes in earth as I dove into the sand. Sensing every once's movement going one by one as I pulled them into the sand. Only leaving their heads exposed on the surface leaving the ground I waved my hand as the sandstorm stopped. Looking at one another as the bandits became scared of losing to a boy that they were about to rob and lose in an instant not knowing how he did it.

Walking away I was transported to a black space as my emotions became rampant. About to give in I began to think of nothing as I concentrate on my breathing trying to calm myself self down but even that became hard to do. Not able to find an outlet to release my emotions I began to hit my pressure point to immobilize myself. Beginning to scream as pound as I possibly could and still being conscience I began to toss and turn not letting the force control my mind. About to pass out I thought to let it in as I did a rush of anger and despair came in trying to take control of me as I began to think of the good times.

Memories of my time with Old Mo the man that saved me from being an orphan and trained me to be the strong man I am today. James a friend that I saved and talked to passed the time enjoying my time with him. Toph someone I trained and made stronger to survive the world one day and hopefully, I'll meet her soon one day. Dhara the most important one to me being with me almost my whole life staying by my side. Calming myself down as I woke up.

Hearing clapping I turn towards it as Negging began to walk toward me as he said: "boy you did well from the thousands of years I have been a spirit you are so far the strongest I met and the first person to escape my control". "My old friend it seems you have started to get weak these days" Wan Shi said to Negging. "It seems so if you don't need me now I'll take my leave" as he started to disappear from nowhere.

Standing up I asked what is next asking Wan Shi. Turing at me he said: "now I'll take you to the spirit realm to meet someone to make your body stronger to withstand Vaatu's power". Wondering why Wan shi answered me " Vaatu's power is corrosive to the human body and will destroy your body from the inside out melting your body". Not wanting that I followed him asking what about Dhara "I'll look after her as you stay in that realm". Knowing that someone would take care of her I left with Wan Shi.

As we arrived at the realm Wan Shi told me to hop on his back as I did he flew me to a large volcano. Feeling the heat I began to sweat arriving at the top I ask who are we meeting. The spirit of smithing Hephaestus saying that I did not see him in the spirit book. "He is an ancient spirit like the Raava and Vaatu he is their younger brother that not many know of only those that are craftsmen do.

Waiting at the top a giant man soon came with long brown hair and a beard matching it. As I looked at the man that was five times bigger than me. A loud deep voice came as he asked why do you bring this man child here. Beginning to talk with Wan Shi about the circumstance I have he leads us to his forge. Arriving I saw everything he had matching his size he then picked me up and told me to eat some herbs and wear a suit of armor.

Doing what he said I eat the wired herbs and put on the armor once done he picked me up. He then took me to his furnace and dropped me in the molten metal. As I began to scream with agony all I could hear was from Hephaestus "I hope your will is strong enough to withstand the hellish pain you are about to will feel". As he poured the metal out into an ingot as he began to hammer away as it got smaller and smaller forming the size of Jack.

During this time all I could feel was a pain in the beginning as I began to hear loud bangs and every time I heard it I felt getting squeezed. Understood how rocks felt in the deep earth being pressed down as I fell into a deep slumber.