Chapter 35: Arriving to the Capital

For the next 3 months, I set a plan in motion to improve my relationship with the girls. Trying to become friends with them but Mai kept ignoring me most of the time but she could not avoid me all the time.

During the travel, I would train with Ty Lee and Azula. With Ty Lee, I would do my morning routine with stretches and would learn new positions from her, and continue with the 100 squats, sit-ups, and push-ups. In the beginning, Ty Lee could not keep up with me but soon she got used to it.

I also started to see some improvement in her stamina and agility. I would even spar with her but when she learned that I created a similar fighting style to her she wanted to fight it. But when we started after taking one serious hit from me we stopped.

she began to ask how I could strike so strong remembering that I needed to invade my fingers with earth. Telling her that my style is based on striking force. Telling her ways to improve her hand strength by training her grip and finger push-ups.

But with Azula, I would usually play shogi after my workouts as that's the only way I could ever talk with her without tripping any of her alarms. I also learn that her personality is very competitive and psychotic. Learning from Vaatu that Azula's psyche  is very weak and that she could snap at any moment.

Learning of this I tried to be more friendlier with Azula then with Ty Lee and Mai. Whenever we stopped and stretch our legs we would spar I also began to learn from Azula. She toughs me that Fire bending is energy run by your emotions. That anger is a good source to draw your power but my father says with a controlled mind that your bending would become stronger.

When I first tried to fire bend I accidentally burn some trees down. My flame was also different from the rest instead of red or a rare blue flame like Azula it was a pale blue almost close to white. When Azula saw it she was stunned as she never heard of such a thing.

While we were on the road Azula trained me with candles. She wanted me to increase the flame as much as I could and shrink it as much as possible. She told me that it would increase the control of my bending.

This also helped me pass the time much quicker every day I trained in fire bending I would see great improvement better than my water bending. But whenever I get bored I would play my flute.

When I did this the first time I gather all the girl's attention. They also began to appear anywhere I was to hear me play. When I played in the lounge Mai would appear with a book and read or would sharpen her tools.

Ty Lee would come and sit and enjoy the music she also became friends with Dhara quite quickly. When I was playing Dhara was wrapped around her getting attention. But the one that enjoyed my music the most in my opinion was Azula.

Whenever I played and laid my eyes on her I would see a clam and a royal princess. Not being able to lay my eyes off her as if I am seeing a different person. But whenever I stopped playing her mood would only last for a few minutes before she returns to her old self.

Noticing that I tried to play a few songs throughout the day to not get her in a bad mood. This went on for the next 3 months.

Soon we appeared at the capital as we left the tank at the military camp we walked to the fire lords' hall.


Sorry for the small chapters I have done, they are usually the time skips I try to finish quickly.