Chapter 36: Negotiations

Arriving at the capital Azula lead me to her father. Looking around I saw how advanced the fire nation is to other nations. From having metal towers to much better roads. The capital looks like a metal city that could not be destroyed.

Then we arrived at the throne room entrance and faced two large metal doors with the fire Nation logo. Azula knocked on the door and it began to open. Once opened we walked inside the room looked smaller on the outside but when we walked in it was huge.

Looking around I saw the throne where a man sat. Looking at the man had long hair reaching past his shoulders and a long chin beard almost a foot long. Knowing who it was the current Fire lord Ozai when we walked in all of the people got on a knee.

Even Mai, Ty Lee, and Azula when I looked around I was the only one that was not on their knee. But when my eyes met with Lord Ozai all I saw from him was not anger nor insubordination but excitement.

After a while, he allowed everybody to rise and soon dismissed them all except Azula. Saying goodbye to Mai and Ty Lee, Azula told me that we meet up with them later.

Soon Lord Ozai began to speak "Evil Avatar may I know your name?"

"It's Jack Lee Lord"

"It's good to meet you, Jack Lee but may I ask why you brought your beast with you to my fall?"

"About that lord my beast companion Dhara goes where ever I go she is my partner and has helped me out more than anyone."

"I see is she a Mini badger mole?"

"Yes lord, she is?"

"Oh my a female one those are quite rare and one that is 6 feet long is even rare."

"Yes, they are I was just lucky to find her 15 years ago."

"What extraordinary luck you have, but let's get into the details of your contract."

"Yes let's get into that I have not decided whether or not to join your cause?"

"I see it is a big decision to make one you join me you would become the enemies of the other three nations."

"So how about I sweeten the pot?"

"How so?"

"You will one have to do one thing for me keep the Avatar at bay when he ever attacks. You will also gain citizenship of the Fire Nation and become an ally of mine after the war. You will also gain a large villa with it 100 acres of high-end land with it a fortune lasting for 3 generations. I will also keep your identity a secret, What do you say?"

"It's not a bad offer but it's even more tempting to accept, but I have a few questions. First could I learn fore bending from you till I am confident in my power I'll accept. Second, after accepting your offer could I explore the world as I want or do I need to stay within the nation?"

"My what good questions you have I do not mind teaching you to fire bend but it would be an honor to teach an Avatar. But for me to accept this you must join my daughter's group as another member and help her with a few missions. But about your other question, I'll provide you with a vehicle and message hawk for your travels."

"That would be of great help with that I accept your proposal."

"Great know you may leave and Azula give our guest a tour while I prepare the paperwork."

"Yes, father I will."

After agreeing to join Lord Ozai, Azula gave me a tour of the castle and showed me where I would stay for the time being.

She also led me to the military smithy that was outside of the capital. when we arrived a lot of eyes were on me seeing how I was led by the daughter of the Fire lord.

She introduced me to the head blacksmith he was a large belly with a belly covered with muscles. He told me that if I need anything in the future to let him know. Taking the opportunity I asked him if he could make me some light armor my size and some for Dhara.

Taking my measurements he asked me to bring this Dhara person. Beginning to laugh he looked at me as I unwrapped Dhara telling him that this is her. As his eyes widen he asked me if she was a mini badger nodding my head he tried to measure Dhara but she began to hiss at him. Asking to take her measurement as I did he told me to come back in a few days and it would be ready.

Thanking him we left back to the capital wey we arrived Azual took me to Lord Ozai. when we arrived Ozai notified me that all the paperwork has been finalized. He stood up and walked towards me and shook my hand as he called for a maid.

When she arrived she held out half a mask covering the upper part of my face. When I looked at it was a red mask with golden lines with sharp fangs. When I saw it I thought it was a bit much but when I put it on it fit me perfectly and I liked it.

Ozai told me that I would wear this during every mission, netting, and banquet that we invite you and your code name will be Abaddon. It means angel of destruction or bottomless pit.

When he said this Vaatu began to love the name and he is the definition of destruction.

Thanking Lord Ozai he told me that later in the day we would have a banquet. He also told me that I would have dress robes in my room. Walking back to my room to wash up but when I saw the rob it was amazing. It was entirely black with red pattern trees and a black sun.

After washing myself and putting on the robe a knock came from my door. Opening it was Azula with the same robe but with the opposite colors. Hers was entirely red with black trees and a red sun with a black outline.

When I complimented her I saw a light red blush thinking it was her makeup I told her whoever did her makeup did a great job. Looking at her now I see her as more of a princess.

She began telling me that the banquet is about to start. Grabbing my mask and heading to the dining hall Azula complimented me telling me how I now look like royalty. Thanking her we entered the hall and got the attention of everyone.

Sitting next to Lord Ozai whispers began to be heated from all the guests. After a while, Ozai coughed to grab everyone's attention. He began explaining that the person next to him is Abaddon someone who would be under his apprenticeship.

Afterward, a man in a military uniform grabbed lord Ozai's attention allowing him to speak. "Lord Ozai with all due respect is it all right to get an apprentice at the moment after all we still have not solved the disappearance of Admiral Zhao. Pulse we still don't know who is targeting are officers at the moment, I am just worried about are joiner."

"I understand our worries at the moment but I have confidence in my discipline capability." "I understand my lord I won't bring up the topic."

Thinking of where I heard that name then it hit me, Zhao, who I killed Keeping keeping my mouth shut. I enjoyed the rest of the night.
