Chapter 37: Fire Traning

After the night banquet, Azula took me back to my room thanking her I invited her in. Hesitating she refused and went back to her room. Changing into more comfortable clothing I began to play my flute.

Playing through the night without a care Jack without knowing got the attention of many maids. Soon the hall began to be filled with people outside of his door listing to beautiful music.

Word began to spread over the night that Abaddon is a genius with the flute. This event was best by Lord Ozai and Azula the next morning. Hearing this Azual began to curse herself for missing out on the privet concert. Ozai also began to be interested in Jack and wishes to listen to the music that the maids praise.

Without knowing Jack woke up and head straight to the dining hall as he got more stress than usual. Thinking that it was because of the news of him becoming the disciple of Lord Ozai.

Putting it aside he enter the Hal lax he saw Azula and Ozai eating. Sitting next to Azula telling her good morning then Ozai. Getting the same response he asked lord Ozai when his training would begin as he filled his plate.

Ozai then responded after the meal you and Azula will follow me to the field once we fill out selves. After eating my fill and finishing 4 plates Ozai lead us to the field. He asked me if I had any fire-bending training telling him that Azual gave me so tips and some training regiments.

Asking her about what she thought him, Azual explained  to her father the basics she learn when she was young. Asking to see what I have learned he told me to attack a dummy that was on the field.

Doing what he said I began to breathe in and out remembering that fire depends on the fuel that one provides. In this instance fuel being one's emotion. Throwing a punch as a light pale blue flame came out of my fist at the dummy.

Once the flame hit the dummy it began to burn and after a few seconds, the target was turned to ash. After seeing this Ozai was impressed as a small grin could be seen on him.

He also asked me to fight him in hand-to-hand combat. Doing as he said we got in front of one another. While Azula announced the match to start soon Ozai began to rush me.

Throwing a fist at me and redirected it to the left but as I did this he spun with his fist around while at the same time, a kick was aimed at my head. Leaning back at the last minute he stopped his kick in mid-motion. Turning it into an axe kick I fell on my back and rolled to the right.

Jumping back on my legs I decided that I need to rush him. Throwing punches left and right forced Ozai to be punched back while he could only defend.

As Azula watched her world began to shake seeing her father whom she once thought to be invincible was getting pushed back. Looking at Jack someone who is the same age as her banished brother fight head to head with her father left her speechless.

While Jack was pushing Ozai back a smile began to be seen on his face and that could be seen on Ozai's. But when I throw a punch Ozai grabbed it as he tried to slam me on the floor but he stopped mid-motion.

Taking this chance I used my other arm to grip his shoulder making him let go. Making some distance between us Ozai stopped the fight. Bowing and thanking him for the spar I went back toward him and hit some points on his shoulder for him to regain mobility.

Nodding his head he asked me where I learned White crane fist. Telling him that my grandfather fought some people with that style and taught me the basics and from that, I created my style.

He then asked how heavy I am telling him that I am 220 pounds but he did not believe it. Forgetting about my wights I lifted my arm telling him that each bracelet I wear is about 50 pounds a piece.

I then got stares from both Ozai and Azula as they were shocked to hear me carry such heavy bracelets. As they look at each limb their eyes widen that each one of them has 4 bracelets. But the one that showed the most shocked look was Azula while Ozai was having a poker face.

Ozai then began to stare at the bracelet that Old Mo gave me he then asked if I know what the meaning meant. Only telling him that it meant the approval of King Bumi. Telling me that I was right and that the former owner of that bracelets was a great man Called Fan Mo.

Telling Ozai that the former owner is my grandfather making him even more shocked from hearing it I could see it on his face. I also explained that I fought with Bumi winning the fight only because of his age. Lost in thought Ozai now knew how Jack was such a monster from learning from Fan Mo and betting Bumi in a fight and that he accepted that monster as a disciple.

Asking me to talk in private he asked if I told anybody about joining my cause only telling my grandpa for his opinion. Letting Ozai know that my grandpa trained me to become the strongest to ever live and would agree with whatever choice I make. Hearing this he was glade as we began our training.

Going back to Azula Ozai asked if I knew how to handle weapons. Telling him only the spear and the sword asking if he wanted to fight he told me no and that he trusted me. Knowing how strong I am with my hands and bending he trusted me.

Soon a man came to inform Ozai of a meeting he had leaving he told me that every day after breakfast we would train. Taking this time I picked up Dhara while Azula lead the way to the military smith to pick up my items.
