Chapter 38: Picking up Armor

Heading towards the smith Azual, Dhara, and I began to see the building. Entering through the door the smith saw us as he grabbed two packages behind the counter as if he was expecting us.

Saying hello he handed me the packages opening the packages we saw thin chain mail armor. Seeing this Azula asked if it was able to withstand attacks without breaking.

Staring at the man waiting for his response he gave us his words that it can withstand some of the strongest blows without breaking.

He began to explain that the metal he used was from a meteor that he kept stored. Wondering why he used such precious metal to make some armor for people he does not know.

Remembering that I came with Azula the princess of the Fire Lord and that he was scared of making something bad and getting killed for such a mistake.

Figuring out why he used such a rare material I listened to his explanation.

He started to explain the process first he broke the meteor and put it in the forge with other strong alloys. Once completely melted he began to make strips of metal from the batch as he started to create the chainmail. Repeating the process with Dhara's and once finished he gather some of the best fire benders in the camp.

Telling them to burn the armor till it began to turn red as they did he submerged both armors in his special oil. Once done he polished the armor and handed it over to the camp tailor. As they decorated the armor in black and gray cloth with the fire symbol on the shoulders.

He also told me that the cloth is made from the volcano rat's fur. Explaining that the volcano rat fur out of all the animal kingdom is the best at maintaining heat as they live in such high temperatures. That their fur is almost Fireproof and would take forever to burn or catch fire.

Seeing their craftsmanship I thank the man and began to take off my shirt and put on the armor. Once on it felt comfortable as if it was made for me and it was. How it wrapped around my body nicely and how flexible and breathable it was I put Dhara'a on.

Telling her to stay still I slipped on the armor as it covered her long and skinny body like a sock. It reached half of her body as she began to wiggle in joy. Seeing how happy she was I called her over telling her to thank the man rushing towards the smith she wrapped around and licked him on the cheek.

Asking for the price he told me that it was for free and that armor is one of the best crafts he ever made and is free of charge. Looking at Azula I saw a bit of jealousy in her eyes asking if there was leftover material left.

Hearing that there was I asked if he could make one for Azula. Telling me that he could he took Azula's measurements telling Azula that he'll send it to her once completed. Taking our leave back to the castle I saw a small smile on Azula's face enjoying the rare facial expression that she early makes.

Arriving back we head to the field as we began our training. Azula started to show me some of the moves she knew first were the fist attacks. Mainly fireballs, flame slashes, and Firewall practice ing the moves till I am proficient in them.

Practicing on the targets as pale blue flames began to appear. Leaving the targets in ashes but when I did the flame slash it burnt the part that was separated. Seeing this Azual explained that tomorrow she will teach me some of the leg attacks that are much stronger than the once's I learned.

Heading to my room to wash up telling Azula I'll see her in the dining room. Preparing for my bath as I got in I sorted to heat up the water to the right temperature. Getting it right I started to relax asxDhra jumped in the bath relaxing.

Finishing I got dressed heading to the dining hall setting next to Azula. Beginning to eat soon Ozai entered grabbing everyone's attention. Sitting in the same spot he always does he began to eat.

Becoming awkward I asked Ozai how his day was getting a response that it was ok. Beginning to talk with ease he asked me if I was up for a mission. Asking what type of mission he sorted to explain that a group of bandits have been attacking the supply lines to the capital. Stating that there should be at least a few dozen bandits to attack while waiting for my response. I gave him a toothy smile telling him yes and giving me a small smile back he told me I would be going with Azual and her team the next morning.

Looking at Azula the same smile could be seen on her face accepting the mission of her father. Finishing our meal and heading to our rooms Azula told me to pack our things now to head out the next morning.

Doing as she said it took me a short time to finish sleeping once I was done. The next morning while getting ready I heard a knock coming from my door telling the person to come in. It was Ozai as he saw me put on my bag he handed me a scroll telling me that this is the location where the bandits last attacked.

After handing me the scroll he wished me luck as I headed to Azula's room to check if she was ready. Knocking she allowed me in walking in I handed her the scroll her father gave me as she read it she told me that Mai and Ty Lee should be waiting for us at the front.

Grabbing Azula's bag met up with the rest saying hello soon Ty Lee rushed towards Dhara as she wrapped around her licking her face. Muttering tractor under my breath Mai walked towards us saying hello. We all head to the tank starting the mission.
