Chapter 45: Battel 1

Aang POV:

After the first wave of attacks, I went back with Sokka and Pakku. While Katara was protecting the chief's daughter in the spiritual area. Glad that Katara is out of the battle but for some reason, I have an uneasy feeling.

Standing at the watchtower we watched as the convoy stopped. Believing that was it for the day I then felt anonymous energy. Grabbing some binoculars I looked in the direction where I felt that energy.

As my eyes landed on a ship that was close to the wall I saw a tall man with black and red clothing with the word Fire on his chest. Looking at his face he had a red mask with golden outlines.

But for some reason, I felt that I knew him but I could not place it. Staring at the man as I blinked my eye I saw a large pale blue fireball. Telling everyone to brass for impact but it was too late. Shaking the whole place causing everyone to fall as pieces of the wall went everywhere.

Standing back up I saw the destruction and chaos as people scream in pain. Looking around I saw many people trapped under the rubble seeing the soldiers help their comrades out from underneath.

A large group of shouts came from the destroyed wall looking at the cloud of dust as fireballs came out. Hitting the soldiers that were rescuing their comrades Pakku shouted "Everyone attack!".

Any water tribesmen that were near rushed out as they intercepted the fire nation. Looking at the battle as a ring was going through my ears all I felt was despair. Seeing blood all around me as the bodies fell on the ground simultaneously as the fight continued.

But all I could think was why must the world be so cruel?

Jack POV:

As the fire nation soldiers entered I could hear the sound of weapons clashing and steam rising in the air. Waiting for the right chance to enter with the rest soon some of the soldiers came out. Watching them be pushed back with a wave of water as it settled down an old man with white hair and a beard matching could be seen.

Wondering who it was the head officer muttered Pakku. Hearing this my smile rose I jumped off the ship and landed on the wall. When I landed some of the fire soldiers step back as I got closer to the entrance.

About to step in a water whip was aimed at my head moving my head to the left and dodging the attack. Throwing my fist at my attacker as a large flame continued to come out. Stopping and retracting my fist and getting into a pose as the steam stopped.

Getting to see much clearer I saw a thin water dome surrounding Pakku. Complementing him on how he survived my attack he asked who I was. Introducing myself as Abaddon the student of the Fire Lord.

Soon Pakku's face changed to one of anger asking why he was making such a face. He replied very quickly "why are you attacking my home?" Thinking of a response, "Just to capture the Avatar you might say".

Not liking my response he launched a water ball at me launching a fireball twice the size of the water ball. Colliding a cloud of steam formed thinking that he canceled my attack a small ball of flame continued to move.

Barely dodging my attack as his clothing began to burn reviling his bare shoulder. Not giving him enough time to react I launched mutable fireballs at him. As he got distracted I was running behind my attacks to not be seen.

As Pakku created a water dome and then froze it sealing himself inside. Taking the advantage of his restricted eyesight I started to launch a continuous flame attack with my right as I started to create a fireball on my left hand.

Condensing the ball of flame making it smaller waiting for him to leave his dome. Soon the ice dome began to shrink as it became clear to see through. I started to see the sweat droplets on Pakku's face and knew what he was thinking. How he should have not underestimated someone who was less than half his age.

About to break the ice and ready to throw the condescending flame beginning to see cracks I increased the flame on the right. As it was about to break I threw the ball hitting the ice dome a large explosion was heard.

Walking throw the cloud to find Pakku I sensed someone running away. Thinking that it was Pakku I chased after him knowing that he was seriously injured.

Aang's POV:

As bodies fell Pakku rushed toward's the danger creating a large water wave and pushing everyone out. Glad to see him soon the masked man that I saw was right in front of Pakku staring at one another they started to fight.

Watching them clash I felt useless and that all the training that I did for the month was for nothing. Seeing how Pakku one of the strongest water benders was getting pushed back. Even though he had the home advantage he was being outclassed in power by someone my age.

Paying attention to their fight I could hear their conversation. How this all started because I came here because they wanted to capture me I also heard the name of the masked man called Abaddon.

Watching from the sideline Pakku was about to get defeated as he took an exploration head-on. Taking this opportunity I grabbed Pakku and ran for dear life knowing that I could not defeat that man.

Believing I was far enough I laid Pakku down in a building as I wrapped his burnt bloodied body. Hearing his breath weaken I knew I had to take him to Katara to heal him.

About to pick him up I heard claps coming from behind me. Turning around I saw the red-masked man behind me rushing at him about to hit him with my staff.


The author here just wanted to explain one thing because the MC killed Zhao Iroh was not invited to the battle and Zuko did not need to fake his death. Right now their training and Zuko would be a bit stronger than in the show. That was it I hope y'all enjoy and keep reading.