Chapter 46: Battle 2

Aang POV:

Rushing at Abaddon swing my staff at his face as it was about to connect but instead of hitting him, it struck a black metal spear. Seeing it I took a few steps back moving in front of Pakku to protect him.

As we look at one another waiting for the other to make the first move not moving an inch as we held our weapons. Exchanging looks at one another as if we talked telepathically we promised to only use polearm skills. But at the highest peak of our stare down an explosion was heard.

Going in the defensive I spun my spear making it move around my palm making it redirected a few of his strikes. As my staff collided with his spear it felt like hitting a metal pole my hands started to go a bit numb.

Stumbling a few steps back Abaddon began to stab at me luckily I was agile enough to dodge most of his attacks. His last attack grazed my chest leaving a red line going from my left to right chest.

Blood began to leak out a little bit I knew I had to think carefully about my next moves. Getting ready to attack Abaddon started to rush at me as he swung at my right side I blocked with my staff.

Getting pushed to the right and hitting a wall the tip of his spear was pointed at my neck as I started to stand up. Not having another choice I dropped my staff waiting for his next move. Expecting him to take me and Pakku he asked me one thing.

"Where you watching my fight with Pakku?" Not expecting this question I answered honestly "yes I was." Waiting for his response a fist was embedded in my stomach coughing excessively as I spat out my saliva. Getting on my knees I started to hold my stomach looking into his eyes all I could see was disgust.

He then started to talk "you watched your master and his people fight for their life while you hid behind them. Watching them fall I knew that I am a bad person but you are much worse you have all this power and refuse to use it when it matters. I wonder if you were the right choice to be the Avatar."

Hearing his words I started to flashback to all of the decisions I have made. From running away from my destiny being the root cause of millions of death in the war. The death of my people and the death of Monk Gyatso the one who raised and thought me everything.

Having my world turned upside down I started to breathe heavily and my sweat began to drop. I soon got on all fours as tears began to fall out soon I began to hear voices or sorrow. Looking back up Abaddon was gone as if he was never here.

Looking back at Pakku I picked him up and went back to Katara to heal him. On the way, I started to think how I could look at Katara now after letting her newly found grandfather be hurt so badly. Pushing it at the back of my mind I arrived at the spiritual area.

Running to a hill with a tree I saw Katara and the chief's daughter Yue. As they saw me they walked towards me and when they saw Pakku on my back their faces changed to one of sorrow. Placing Pakku in front of them Katara began to heal him right away asking what happen.

Staring at Katara for a moment I snapped out of a trance and explained what happened. Telling her that Pakku was fighting a red-masked man with black and red clothing with a black spear. That their fight was one-sided and left Pakku in this state.

Hearing this surprised both Katara and Yue's faces as the once powerful Water master of the North was defeated by one person so badly. Yue then asked for more information about the man that attacked Pakku.

I began explaining that the masked man was called Abaddon and that he was the apprentice of the Fir Lord. As I spoke these words dead silence took over the whole place as their look began to change between anger and sadness.

Soon Yue began to help Katara in healing Pakku as I watched them heal him I started to think about my purpose.

Jacks POV:

Chasing after Pakku I started to wonder how he could run after that attack thinking that he was fast enough to create another dome. But soon that was thrown away as I felt hit he was moving so fast for an old.

Trying o figure out how he could move this quickly all that came to mind was someone helping him. Soon I lost them in some destructed building focusing all my senses on my feet and sensing movement in one of the buildings in the area.

Sneaking up on the two people I saw Aang wrapping up Pakku as he finished I started to clap. Startling him he grabbed his staff and pointed it at me. Soon Vaatu began to ask me if we were going all telling him not yet. Looking back at Aang he swung his staff at my face moving to the left I grabbed my spear and pointed at Aang.

We then started to trade attacks pushing him back as he was stuck on defense but with his agility, most of my attacks were missed. Swinging my spear at the right side of his body Aang was fast enough to block it.

Though he blocked it he was duly to the wall falling on his knees I pointed the tip of my spear at his neck. Dropping his staff I asked if he saw my fight with Pakku telling me he did I throw a fist into his atomic and started to berate him. calling him a coward that he allowed his master to take such a beating without helping him.

Getting angrier than usual I question him if he was the right choice of being the Avatar after hearing this he started to have a panic attack. Seeing this I left him not wanting to deal with him.

Vaatu began to criticize Raava's host as he continued I stopped listening to him.

Azula POV:

Seeing Jack run to the entrance after hearing the name Pakku I looked at the head officer asking about Pakku. He began to explain that he was one the strongest water benders that there was. Wanting for Jack's return I went back to Ty Lee's room where. Mai and Dhara were at.
