Chapter 55: Omashu

Arriving back at the Capital I went straight to Ozai entering the throne room Ozai greeted me.

"Welcome back Abaddon thank you for agreeing to go to Omashu. I understand that it's not part of the deal but I have important patronage that would rule Omashu."

Wondering who would rule over it I ask Ozai. Answering me that it would be the parents of Mai hearing this I understood why I was needed. Mai's family is one of the royal families of the fire nation and is a great supporter of Ozai's rule.

Asking when I would leave he told me later today not disagreeing I left for the military warehouse where I would have my tank guide me there. Entering the vehicle I waited till we start moving.

Laying on my bed I knock came from my door opening it I saw a soldier holding a letter. Handing it to me I read it was from Ozai opening it I read the context explaining that Azula and the rest left a few weeks ahead of time. That they have taken over Omashu during that time and I would be following the convoy with Mai's parents.

Leaving the capital I saw throw the window numerous tanks and carriages leaving all at once and in the middle, I saw the largest tank. Believing that it was Mai's parent's vehicle. For the next few weeks, I stayed in my room and when we stopped I would stretch.

During one of our stops, I met with Mai's father talking with him was like talking with Mai straight forward but with more emotion. Unlike Mai, he did not have that lazy and uncaring attitude. All that we talked about was him thanking me for accepting to guard him and his family until Omashu is fully under the fire nation's control.

As we traveled I soon met with Mai's mother and her younger brother. When I met with Mai's mother I saw where she got her looks when I saw he I thought she was her older sister. But when we got introduced I was in shock at how young she looked.

We soon arrived at Omashu from the calm city o once knew it has changed. As the green Earth Nation banners were taken down and changed to the Red fire nation banners.

Entering Omashu we were face-to-face with Azula and the rest. As the convoy was entering many of the citizens started entering their homes. After getting all the vehicles in everyone started unloading all the goods.

Stepping out my eyes aligned with Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee. As we looked at one another not moving or saying anything Mai's parents broke the awkwardness.

Greeting Mai and the rest of the group I took this time to walk around. With Dhara on my shoulders and Apollo in the air, we explored the city.

Walking around everything that I once remembered the joy-full place of the bustling city was no more. As it transformed into a place of despair and depression not having a shred of its past self.

Becoming saddened by how this place has changed but the more I look around I see no damage from a battle. Wanting to know the truth I headed to the current residence of Azula.

Arriving at Bumi's old residence I was stopped by a guard. Asking who I was and what my reason was I told him I was there to meet with Princess Azula and tell her that Abaddon came to speak with her.

As he relayed the message back I waited in the front. Not even a few minutes passed and I was escorted to meet with Azula. Facing the large doors that once said Earth is now covered by the fire nation Banner.

As I saw Azula on the throne I saw two old twin sisters on both sides of Azula. Saying hello to Azula I asked her straight away what happened during the siege of Omashu.

But right after I asked these questions the twin leaders spoke at the same time "Show your resorts when talking to royalty boy!" As their voices become one I ignored them and asked the same question.

Standing there waiting for a response she spoke "that was your purpose for coming here I will take my leave and leave Lo and Li my advisers to explain what happened."

Seeing Azula step out the twin Advisors explained to me that after sending a letter of battel King Bumi surrendered without a problem. Hearing this I did not believe that Bumi would surrender without a fight.

Asked them if I could speak with him they whispered to one another debating if they should let me. Soon allowed me to speak with him but only for a short time.

They soon led me to the underground prison and in one of the dells I saw Bumi invaded in a steel box coffin. The only thing that was not covered was his face seeing me spike to me without a hint of hate or spite. Only asking who I was asking Lo and Li to give us some privacy as they left I made sure they were out of ear range.

Taking off my mask Bumi's faces change to one of happiness. Asking him why he allowed Omashu to be taken over? Explaining that if did not surrender most of his people could have been slaughtered and Omashu would have still been taken over sooner or later. Not wanting the bloodshed he skipped it to the end waiting for the right moment to strike.

Telling him that he was still the same crazy King that I met before. Sensing Lo and Li I bid farewell to Bumi. Leaving with the Twin Advisers I went back to my tank to rest for the day.

For the past month, I had to stay to make sure everything was going well. As factories were built and smoke started to be released into the air I started to see the city change over the days.

Katara POV:

After the whole battle in the North, we started searching for Aang's new earth-bending teacher. Only one came to mind and that was King Bumi as we arrived back to Omashu we were face to face with a different city.