Chapter 56: Omashu 2

For the past month, I have been practicing lava bending in secret. I created a hidden cave that I only knew in the mountains. During this time my skill has shown significant improvement and with Omashu overtaken I was able to find some water scrolls.

Those being the water whip, water stream, and the water blade. With my talent in lava Control, I was able to master these techniques pretty easily and made improvements to them. Remembering Pakku's water whip and how quick it was I started pondering if it could be more efficient.

Using a large boulder I started controlling the lava as it formed I started launching attacks at the boulder. Every time it hit the boulder it would leave scorch marks seeing how dangerous it would be if someone got hit. Increasing the speed it got thinner the faster I attacked seeing how it left the boulder as if someone was slicing it with a blade.

Coming up with a new move I named it Whip blade having the mobility of a whip but the slicing ability of a blade. Moving on to the next scroll water stream it uses the surrounding water as you condense it and launch it at the target. Soon a blast of water is launched pushing the target but if it was lava it could kill someone.

Trying it I condensed it as it formed a ball and shootings it at the boulder it did not go as planned. Instead of a stream of lava, it was a dozen marble size attacks. But the results were satisfying I called the attack lava barrage because if someone gets hit they'll get hit by dozens of lava size marbles.

Still wanting a steam attack I used the same movements of the water whip. But instead of holding on to it, I moved it around increasing the speed and letting it go once I reached the right moment. Hitting the boulder it left a small crater accepting the result I moved on.

Going to the blade scroll was the easiest as it was one of my most used attacks. Hitting the boulder did cut it but once it collided the lava splashed around the boulder. Seeing how it surrounded the boulder I imagined if someone blocked it. Deciding that all the moves I created would only be used in emergencies or if I need to melt through something.

Azula POV:

"When father gave me this mission I believed it would be one of the most challenging missions I have taken. But when I arrived and sent a letter to the informer King Bumi to surrender I did not believe he would but that crazy old fool did. Capturing the city we did not find any soldiers or guards as if they disappeared. Notifying my father about the successful siege he told us that Mia's family would arrive and with them Abaddon."

Reading this I called Mai and Ty Lee telling them that Jack would arrive with Mai's parents. Hearing this their mood changed to one of indifference. After a few weeks they arrived upon their arrival Jack called for a meeting.

Waiting for him he asked for the whereabouts of King Bumi letting my advisor Lo and Li answer his question. Leaving the room my heart was pounding I have not seen him since we arrived back from the Water tribe. Looking the same I tried pushing my emotions down but the harder I tried it did not want to stop.

Staying in my room for the rest of day until I was composed. For the next month, I did not see or hear anything about Jack not wanting to think about him I trained.

Katara POV:

Arriving back at Omashu we were all surprised by how it was takeover. Needing to meet with Bumi we snuck in at night going throw the sewers we covered ourselves in black cloaks. Leaving the sewers we started walking the streets looking at Sokka he was pulling a small squid. Helping him it left red marks on him turning the corner we met with Fire nation soldiers.

Asking us why we are out past curfew and about to grab us one of noticing Sokka's marks asking what he had. Telling them that it was a new disease called OctoPoxs that was highly contagious. Letting us go we went straight to Bumi's old residents.

Trying to sneak in we saw the new rulers trying to go past them Aang noticed a boulder about to hit them. Destroying it grabbed everyone's attention. Beginning to get chased we were soon surrounded as a cloud of dust could covered us we soon fell through the ground.

Opening our eyes we meet with Earth Nation soldiers of Omashu. Asking them what happens and if Bumi was with them. Telling us that during the invasion Bumi surrendered and that he was captured. Not believing them at first we asked what their next move was.

Explaining that they would try to get as many citizens out with the new ruler's notice. Only able to move a few at a time Sokka came up with an idea.

Explaining to the resistance that they would use the sewers octopus and fake a plague in the city.

Agreeing to the plan they started gathering as many octopuses as they could get giving everyone marks. For the next few days, citizens started having the same marks. Soon everyone had them as word spread of a plague out brake the ruler kicked everyone out of Omashu.

During this time Aang was looking for Bumi.


Flying around the city a large open room grabbed my attention as I saw a large bowl of fruit. Eating to my heart's content soon something grabbed my tail. Looking back I saw a child holding on trying to fly away he was still holding on. Getting higher in the air we both fell down flapping my wing we land safely on the ground.

Seeing a group of people walk the boy followed them grabbing my tail and rubbing it hoping to never see that child again.

Katara POV:

After getting everyone out we waited for Aang to arrive back. During the wait, the leader of the resistance notified me that we had an extra person. Pointing at a child in fire nation clothing soon Aang arrived with Flopsi. Explaining the situation we then heard a hawk seeing it have a letter Aang opened it.

Reading it he explained that the Ruler wanted to make a trade for his son with King Bumi.
