Chapter 57: A Baby for a King

Jack Pov:

Improving my Lava bending control in the cave pleased with my progress I returned to Omashu. Entering the first thing I noticed was the absence of the Earth Civilians. Walking around the city it looked deserted.

Passing closed-down stalls and businesses soon someone was calling me. Turning around I saw a messenger as he handed me a letter opening it said that Mai's parents are requesting my appearance.

Following the messenger, he lead me to the throne room. As the doors open I walk in looking around I saw many eyes on me.

Approaching the center of the room I soon felt a pair of eyes on me. Looking around I saw that it was the Twin Advisers of Azula not giving them any o my attention I asked why they called me.

Asking this the twin advisers stepped forward and asked me at the same time where I was. Speaking at the same time their voices became louder knowing that I had to answer.

Telling them that I was training in secret hearing my response the twins accepted my answer.

They soon began explaining what had happened during my time of absents. From a plague called OctoPoxs.

Hearing them explain the plague I soon started laughing as their faces changed from seriousness to confusion. Laughing Lu and Li asked why I was laughing telling them that they got tricked into letting all the civilians go.

Still need me to explain I told them that OctoPoxs was a made-up Disease. As they heard this I saw all their face change to one of disappointment.

Believing that this was it I started walking away but I was stopped by the twins. Telling me that the meeting was not over and soon told me why I was needed. Explaining while I was away the Avatar arrived and kidnapped Mai's kid brother.

Hearing this I did not believe them asking them if they were sure that the Avatar kidnapped their kid. They then told me they sent a letter to them making a trade for the boy from King Bumi.

Knowing where this was going I let them talk as they ask me to supervise the trade going successfully. Trying to be on their good side and having a favor whenever I need it I agreed.

Telling me that the trade would be in a few hours I washed up and got something to eat. Waiting in the main hall with Dhara and Apollo I soon saw Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee.

As they saw me their facial expression did not change soon Azual spoke asking me to bring King Bumi to the new statue. Doing as she said I went to the underground cells. Seeing Bumi with the same craz smile on him he asked where he was going.

Telling him that he was going to see a good show as I smiled his got wider. Soon the soldiers picked up Bumi and placed him in a carriage. Leaving the cells and arriving at the newly constructed statue of Azula.

Arriving Azula told the workers to attach a chin to King Bumi's metal cell. As they did I sat on top of Bumi talking with him for the next hour. While Apollo flew around us and Dahara on my shoulders soon Aang arrived with Katara and Sokka.

Arrived Azula and the rest stood up facing them as the situation became awkward I spoke. 

"Did y'all bring the kid I want to get this over with?"

As I spoke I grabbed everyone's attention as all eyes were on me I complemented Aang on his plan. From tricking the rulers of a fake plague and kidnapping the ruler's kid for Bumi.

Continuing to talk I felt the resentment from Katara and Sokka but from Aang, I felt nothing.

Katara POV:

After receiving the letter we prepared for tomorrow arriving at the meet-up at high noon. Arriving we saw three girls remembering one of them as Azula we prepared ourselves.

Before anything, a voice broke the silence as we all lookup we saw Bumi encased in a steel box hanging from a chain. As it started to lower we saw the one who spoke.

Seeing his face gave us chills as he wore a red mask with golden outlines with a hawk on his shoulders. Seeing Abaddon brought us a great shock remembering him as a ruthless person.

But the one that was the most shocked was Aang as he stared at him not moving. Hearing Abaddon complementing Aang from the plague and the Kiddnnapping brought left a bad taste.

Continuing to speak he asked again if we brought the kid looking at Sokka as his eyes never left Abaddon. Looking at Sokka I never saw him this serious as he lifted the kid from his back.

Stepping forward Bumi was soon placed on the ground with Abaddon sitting on top of him. About to make the trade soon the Fire Princess spoke.

Azula then spoke as she explained that the trade was not a fair trade for a strong earth-bending king for a baby.

At that moment we realized that this was a trap as Bumi started to rise Aang flew at him. Within a second later Aang came back crashing down as he was kicked by Abaddon. Looking at his attacker he saw Abaddon waving his finger left and right. Rubbing his forehead not giving him enough time Azula came launching a flaming kick at him.

Dodging at the last second the spot where he was once at was now covered in flames. Aang was soon on the defensive getting pushed back. Soon Sokka was facing a brown-haired girl while I was facing a pale white skin girl with long black hair.

Jack POV:

Watching them fight I started talking with Bumi as he questioned if Aang kidnapped a kid. Telling him that he did Bumi went quiet for just a second as he watched the fight. As this went on I saw the kid walking while chasing Aang's flying limer.

Sending Apollo to chase the limer away they soon were having an aerial battle. Picking up the kid as he started holding to me.

Walking back to sit on top of Bumi I could not find him seeing a large dust trail I followed it getting close I saw Azula and Aang battel on top of Bumi.

Seeing Azual Handel it I let her be as I watched the others fight. Mai was having a bit of trouble with Katana's water bending but was doing quite well luckily she did not have a body of water nearby or she would have lost. Checking Ty Lee's fight she was doing quite well hitting Sokka's Pressure points making both arms go limp.

Soon Sokka was on the floor immobilizing him she then left to help Mai. Facing a 2 v 1 Katara was getting pushed back from blocking the throwing knives from Mai and Ty Lee's strikes she was overwhelmed.

About to lose a gust of wind hit both Mai and Ty Lee launching them back. Seeing Aang grab Katara and Sokka placing them on top of Appa. As I watched them fly away I handed Mai her brother leaving to notify Mai's parents of the success of the trade.

Aang POV:

Leaving Omashu on Appa I looked back on the battle seeing how we were outclassed in the fight. Starting to wonder what would have happened if Abaddon stepped in. Not wanting to think more of it we soon arrived back to the refugee camp.
