Chapter 58: Leaving Omashu

Azula POV:

After fighting the Avatar and losing him via flying bison I went back to the rest. Arriving I saw Mai holding her kid brother looking around I did not see Jack.

Asking Mai where Jack went all she told me was that Jack left to the throne room. As she told me this we headed back and on the way we saw King Bumi.

Approaching him he surrendered himself once again. Having Soilders put him back in the underground cells we soon got to the throne room.

Passing through the doors we saw Jack talking with my advisers Lo and Li. Entering we soon had all eyes on us Mai's parents soon surrounded Mai and hugged her and their son.

Giving them some privacy I went to Lo and Li informing them that King Bumi was captured once again.

Just when I spoke these words all eyes were on me.

Explaining to Lo and Li that on my return King Bumi surrender to us and was retained in the underground cells.

As I was explaining Jack soon left the room seeing him leaving I continued to talk with Lo and Li.

Jack POV:

Arriving at the throne Mai's parents rushed me asking me if we succeed. Telling them that everything went well and that Mai had her brother.

After a few minutes, they arrived Mai's parents left me and rushed Mai. Seeing this Azula spoke out telling everyone that King Bumi was recaptured.

Hearing this I left the room and headed to the dells.

Going through the passages and the guards o was soon face to face with King Bumi. Asking the guards to give us some privacy leaving us I asked Bumi why he returned.

"Like a captain, I must go down with my ship till the very end. "

Saying this I started chuckling telling him that he was crazy. Laughing at my response he asked me how long I was going to stay there.

Thinking I told him probably be another month leaving him in his cell I told him I'll see him when I can.

Heading back to my training grounds I sent Apollo to send a letter to Ozai telling him that I would head towards the Earth Nation.

For the next month, I practiced my bending and fighting skills only returning to Omashu when I need something.

During one of my trips back to Omashu, I met Mai in the market. Not wanting to talk with her I grabbed my thing about to leave she called me.

Turning around I saw her with a conflicted face after a few seconds I started walking away. But as I was about to leave she grabbed my sleeve and Thanked me.

Waiting for her to let go I continued to walk and told her that it was just part of the mission. Waving my hand I left Omashu and returned to the cave.

After meeting with Mai Apollo returned with a letter opening it Ozai allowed me to go to the Earth Nation.

Only having a week left I relaxed enjoying the bathhouse in Omashu. With almost no civilians left, I had the whole bathhouse to myself giving the clerk a bit extra to allow me to bring Dhara inside.

After enjoying myself I left the bathhouse and on my way back to the inn I met with Mai's father. calling me over he thanked me once again for saving his son telling him that it was nothing he gave me a silver bracelet.

Waiting for him to explain he told me that this has his family seal and that if I ever have trouble in the fire nation to show this and I'll be let free.

Thanking him I put it in my pocket going back to my inn.

In a blink of an eye, a week passed and I was off letting Mai's parents know of my leave. As they send me off I rode in my personal tank.

Stayed in my room as I played my flute after a few weeks I was dropped off. Not able to take my tank deeper into the earth nation without getting attacked I walked the rest of my journey.

Getting behind some bushes I changed into my earth nation clothing. Wearing my green and tan shirt with the kanji Earth on my back and all-gray pants with my black shoes. Putting my red mask in my bag I started heading to the Si Wong desert.

Playing my Flute I soon started to see desert dunes remember when I had a desert boat I tried creating one.

As I made a large surfboard from Earth with a pole in the middle I tied my blanket to it making it into a sail. Standing on it I started creating a mini tornado as it started moving I enjoyed the breeze hitting my face.

Reminiscing I started doing tricks in the desert as Dhara dug throne the sand following me. After an hour of fun, I headed straight to Wan Shi's library.

On my way, I passed many of the villages that I once asked about the library. Remembering how long it took me I soon arrived in front of a lone tower in the middle of nowhere.

Leaving my surfboard and getting all the sand out of my blanket I then went inside. Within a second Wan Shi was in front of me seeing him I greeted him.

Greeting me back he asked about my journey and if I brought any books for him. Knowing where his priority was I took out a Lava bending scroll that I wrote with Coulee's instructions.

As I handed it to Wan Shi he opens it and began reading as he looked at and back at the scroll he asked me if I meet with the spirit Coulee.

With a smile, I told him that I'd did and that I wrote down the instructions that he gave. As I began explaining i felt a group of people entering the library.

Rushing to the entrance I was surprised of who I saw.
