Chapter 60: Reunion and Farewells

As we approached the entrance I saw a large white and brown bison. It soon stood up as it approached the window Aang jumped on its head petting him Katara and Sokka did the same.

Landing on Appa I heard a familiar voice moving my eye to the source I saw a place girl with black hair and cloudy green eye.

Seeing her I knew who it was.


As I said this Toph turned her head looking in my direction.

Calling my name I walk toward her seeing how she has changed from the later girl that she once was becoming a grown woman. Glancing her over many different areas grew over the years but the one thing that did not change was her hairstyle. Facing her hugged her.

Soon Toph did the same as we did this everyone was in shock. Seeing Toph show affection to someone surprised them.

After a few seconds, Katara asked how we knew each other.

Looking at her Toph explained that I was her teacher for a year and that we meet five to six years ago in Gaoling.

When they heard about out past Aang soon realized why Toph's training was so tuff and simpler than Jack's. Seeing Toph and Hack side by side he saw the same bracelets Jack wore to increase strength.

As Toph explained the type of training she did under my tutelage gave everyone a shock hearing how hard it was. Getting everyone's attention I then explained that my training was not as torturous as when I learned from my teacher.

Talking to one another I soon heard the wind blowing fast as I turn my head everyone did the same. We then saw five desert boats and on each one were five bandits.

Telling Toph of the situation we all got off Appa as we got in our stance shortly after the desert bandits stopped right in front of us.

Staring at one another waiting for one to make the first move soon the voice of a woman was heard.

Grabbing our attention she then demanded us to surrender and hand over the Flying Bison.

After she spoke these words she laid her eyes on me as we stared at one another soon she then told everyone to retreat.

Surprisingly everyone as she got on her boat some of her men asked why. With a loud scream, she told her men that if they wanted to stay they could but she won't help them steal from that Demon.

Pointing her hand at me everyone soon left.

Watching them leave Katara asked me what I did to them.

Not remembering who she was I told them that in the past when I was looking for the library some desert bandits attacked me wanting to steal Dahara from me. Not willing to hand her over I defended myself only leaving five people alive from fifteen.

As awkwardness took over I broke the silence by asking Toph for a spare.

Hearing a yes I created enough distance between us asking Katara to be our ref. Agreeing she then gave a countdown.

"3, 2, 1, Go!"

Rushing to one another Toph sent a sand wave at me countering it I launched two sand blade kicks in an X formation.

Destroying the wave I ran as fast as possible closing the distance between us soon I was face-to-face with Toph.

About to grab her she created a Sand Pillar aiming at my chest in the last second I jumped backward before she could hit me.

Getting an idea I grabbed some sand and I held it I started motioning around building up momentum.

Doing this did surprise Aang and Sokka because they never saw this move but Katara had a look of bewilderment.

As Sokka and Aang as her what he was doing Katara explain that Jack was using the water whip technique. Soon Aang saw it too as he practiced the motion hundreds of times.

Started to whip the sand at Toph as she either blocked or dodged picking up the speed Toph could only dodge.

Making her step back I lowered my foot as she fell into the hole.

Closing it waiting for Katara to make the call soon Toph leaped out.

Rushing at me as she launched dozens of Sand bullets. Creating a Sand wall and pushing it at her she stopped it but as she did the sand started pulling her in.

Not being able to free herself and in a few seconds, she was trapped only leavening her face.

Soon Katara announced me as the winner.

Letting Toph go I praised her for her improvement and told her to increase her bracelets by five pounds.

Thanking me for the spar she dusted herself and asked if I wanted to tag along with them.

Telling her that I still had things to do I told her that we may meet later on in the future.

Making me promise as she got on Appa as I watched them fly further away from my sight I went back inside the library.

Arriving back I was met by Wan Shi as he looked at me he then asked why I gave them such dangerous information.

As I thought about nothing came to me but one thing.

"why not."

I then asked Wan Shi if he had any beginner guides to chi control.

Asking why I pulled out the combustion bending book.

Seeing this he understood as he lead me to a bookshelf on the way there I asked about Zei.

Answering he told me that Zei would become a new staff member of the library and would be under his mentorship.

Handing a large old leather book Wan Shi told me that this would hold everything I would need.

Reading it explained that I would need to meditate until I feel something sort of energy within me.

Once I am able to hold it I would play with letting it flow inside my body.

Starting to practice I shut my eyes only seeing darkness.

The end.