Chapter 61: Combustion Bending

The author here is sorry about the updates I try to continue updating more constantly for y'all. Also, I don't know anything about chi or anything similar to it I am only trying to make the MC O P and I hope y'all keep enjoying it.

For the next few days, I started feeling something within me a warm feeling as if I was bending without doing it.

Until I was in front of a large black door covered with glowing red marks.

Seeing a Handel I pulled it open walking in as I opened it I was soon in front of Vaatu.

Seeing him I asked where I was.

"Jack I was not expecting you to arrive here this soon. And the place you are in could be called a mindscape but is something much more."

"But why are we here?"

"When beings have a strong mind and start controlling Chi they make a mindscape but most aren't able to enter as easily as you."

"Really how hard is it?"

"It's so difficult for humans that very few have entered and less than half of the previous Avatars have entered their minds. But for some reason, yours is stronger than most."

"Must be by Luck"


"So what made you want to learn Chi?"

"I thought you knew everything that was happening outside because you were inside me watching everything."

"Just because I can watch everything you do does not mean I have to I usually sleep."

"But you have nothing to do so I thought you would watch me do everything."

"I would watch you if your life was more interesting but all you do is just train, eat, and sleep. Getting tired of it I would just sleep."

"Sorry if my life is so boring but that's all I can do for now."

"Whatever while your are here let me help you with your chi."

Sitting in front of him Vaatu started flowing chi inside of me letting it flow I soon started feeling my whole body feel a surge of energy.

Sitting and trying to remember the chi flow for the next few days until I could remember some parts of it.

Starting to feel more confident about controlling Chi I tried combustion bending.

Leaving the Library before I destroy something and get banished by Wan shi.

As I felt the hot desert rays hitting my skin I created a roof.

Glancing over the Combustion book one more time I drew a black dot above my eyebrows where my third eye was supposed to be.

Focusing the chi where I drew the dot I could feel it building up looking at a doune far away I tried releasing it.

But as soon as I did I felt a large explosion where the chi was building up. Rolling from left and right with my hands on my third eye screaming silently I soon heard Vaatu Laughing.

Telling him to shut up he then gave me some advice.

"Haha, You must visualize heating up the air where your third eye is and then launch it like a fireball.

Repeating the same thing building up the Chi on my third eye once filled I tried heating the air. Feeling the air warm up I looked at the same dune launching it.

Not feeling an explosion on my face as I soon saw a small air beam leave my eye only shooting a foot in front of me.

"Hahaha look at that little thing"

Hearing Vaatu I told him to shut it but before I could finish screaming at me Vaatu told me to build it up before letting it go and that I should feel as if it would explode my brain.

Following his instructions building it up and heating the air until I could feel the sweat drops forming.

Feeling the worst headaches I have ever had Vaatu told me to release it as I did the dune that I have been aiming for was soon destroyed.

As sand was sent everywhere and feelings a mini earthquake I fell on my but as sand entered my eyes.

Trying to get it out Vaatu started giggling telling me that if I continued this he would watch me instead of sleeping.

As my face turned red Dhara was wrapped around me shivering as Apollo was on my shoulder stabbing me with his talons as his grip increased.

Comforting them both Wan Shi and Zei soon approached me asking what that was as I explained what I did destroying the large dune that was in front of me.

Pointing as I soon saw my work as it looked like a meteor hit the ground.

Wan Shi soon spoke: "I am glad that you did this outside of you did it in the library I would have no choice and kill you myself."

Calling Zei to follow him as I watched them enter back in I was glad too that I came outside.

Feeling the aftermath I knew that I had to find the right ratio before using it in battle.

After eating and resting until my headache was gone I started practicing until I could shoot without feeling a splitting headache.

After a whole day, I made improvements able to shoot without feeling anything lowering the explosion impact but I could improve it with practice.

Sleeping I then started over the next day.

Knowing that I needed to shoot when in a stressful situation I started to practice.

Walking and building up chi proved to be more difficult to do than I thought Losing control every time I took a step.

I then start shooting weak beams as I walked the more I repeated it the easier it had become.

After a whole day, I slept and for the next few days, I started increasing my speed becoming able to shoot even at full speed. Even having Apollo and Dahara try to touch as I shot at the sand.

After a few more days of polishing my technique, I was confident that I could do it even in battle.
