Chapter 63: Exploring Ba Sing Se

After a long journey, I could finally get the rest that I so craved. Seeing the long line to enter the city I decided to fly in as I hovered over the city I found an empty ally to land in.

As I landed I took off my goggles and mixed with the crowd looking for an inn to rest in I found a spot called "Sleep like a Rock". Hoping that the name was not a false advertisement I decided to take a leap of fate.

Entering I saw a cute clerk as our eyes met she greeted me.

Walking to her I asked her if they allowed pets telling me that they did she asked for how long I would stay and if I wanted my own privet area.

Asking what she meant she explained to me that they also offer houses that one could rent. Asking for the pricing she told me that f would be a bit pricy for the week but that it comes with many benefits from three meals a day, housekeeping every two days, and that it also comes with a miniature hot spring.

Hearing her list the great benefits that come with it I took her offer seeing her smile she handed me paperwork to fill out and that it would cost 25 gold coins for the week. handing her the payment she led me to my house which was around the corner seeing it I knew that the building could hold 2 families at a time. handing me the key she wished me a good time during my stay.

Picking the largest room with a restroom I placed my thing down and lay on my bed as Dahara was by my side with me as Apollo was on my knee. Seeing the sun starting to lower I decided to shower and enjoy a night out.

Coming out of the tube and putting on my clothes I explored Ba Sing Se's food stalls and nightly fun. Lucky for me I was near all the restaurants and stalls. Seeing how crowded it was I wondered if something was going on this week.

Looking at the flyer that was put up I found out that the King of Ba Sing Se was throwing a party for his pet bear. Wondering what type of bear he had was a platypus bear or duck bear I put it at the back of my head.

Waking by many stalls from food to games I soon heard a voice calling my name thinking that they were calling someone else I continued walking. But shortly after a hand was on my shoulder turning around I saw a middle-aged man that I have not seen in a while.


Shouting his name and hugging him at the same we grabbed everyone's attention. After a few seconds, we let one another go as he led me to a bar he asked me when I arrived, telling him that I bearly got here today.

Sitting down and ordering a few drinks he continued asking questions about what I have been doing and what reasons I was doing here.

Telling him that I have been working as a mercenary polishing my skills and learning new bending styles when I could and that I am here on vacation.

Hearing my answer he was glad that I found work and that I have not given up my bending and martial arts ways. As we drank asked him what he was doing here? Telling me that he opened up a cabbage corporation going throughout the Earth nation and that his headquarters were here in Ba Sing Se.

Raising my cup and clanking it with him congratulating him on his success soon James asked me a question that surprised me.

"Have you found someone yet?"

hearing this made me start to glume knowing full well that I have not made an inch of progress in love. Telling him not yet and asking the same question back at him but when I asked his facial expression changed into one of a shy teenage girl.

Soon an answer came out of him telling me that he was married and is having a child on the way. Hearing this I spat my drink out of my mouth in shock staring at him as he averted his eyes away from me.

Still, in shock, I felt a large hand on my shoulder and heard a deep voice speak. " Boy, you have ruined my outfit how are you going to fix it?"

Still staring at James I soon saw his mouth start to open looking at how was talking to me I soon saw a large built man with green and tan clothing with a full gry bread. Seeing him stand over me I apologized for the mess I made and told him that his next drink was on me.

But as soon as I offered this to him he rejected it and told me that I have to compensate for his whole outfit. Not wanting to ruin the night over a drink I asked for the price telling me that it was 100 gold coins.

As he spoke these words James's mouth started to widen as he stared at me taking a long sip of my drink and told him to get lost and scam someone else.

Soon a large fist came at me leaning back as I saw the bottom part of his arm go over me. As the man pulls his fist back I stand up and throw a punch of my own hitting him on the chin. As my fist hit him his whole body went limp and he fell over face first.

Hitting the ground and making a large racket shortly after his buddies started shouting at me telling me that I would be in a world of pain. Seeing only three of them I told them that they couldn't hit me even if they were to lose weight.

Insulting all three of them they soon came rushing at me as I dodged all the attacks that they threw not spilling a single dropped of my drink on the ground. Soon loud shouts started to be heard from the entrance of the bar as three soldiers came wearing brown armor and green clothing with straw hats on each one of them.

Asking who started all this as they looked a the bartender wanting to know the answer. Pointing at me and three men that were out of breath knowing where this was going I stopped as they approached me.

The end.