Chapter 64: Exploring Ba Sing Se 2

As the soldiers approached us they separated as they asked for our stories. Soon James was on my right telling the soldier that the fault lies with the man that was on the ground knocked out.

seeing the man he asked James how he got there I soon answered for James telling the guard that I knocked him out. Asking why I did it I explained that I accidentally spilled my drink and offered to buy him one as an apology but he wanted compensation for it telling him that I was not going to pay him he attacked me.

Looking at the man on the man on ground he asked why I was causing a commotion with the other three telling him that after knocking the man down his friends came other wanting to defend their friend.

going back with his comrades James asked me if I was alright telling him that I was the guards soon came back asking me to come with them to the station to make a report. Not wanting to do all that I showed them the bracelet that Bumi gave me.

Seeing it their eyes widen and told me. I was free to go but before they left I told them to let the other men go and give them a warning. Shaking their heads they gave the men a warning and left.

After that James and I left the bar asking what I did I told James that it was a secret. Strolling the night James soon had to go telling him good night he told me to meet up with him tomorrow at the farmers market agreeing we both went out separate ways.

Arriving back at the house Dhara and Apllow both rushed to me greeting the both I apologized to them and told them that I would bring them back delish food.

When the moon was at its highest I slept.

Waking up the next morning I dressed and eat before heading to the market. As I got closer I started to hear the bargaining that was going on all around me seeing all the different vegetables and fruits that they were selling.

After walking around I found James's store entering all I saw were cabbages for sale. From large to small from individuals to bundles many people came and go. I soon saw a worker calling him over I asked him if James was in and that Jack was here.

Hearing my name he told me to follow him as he led me to the back I saw James ordering his staff around as he spoke to them it was different from what he usually is with me he was more Professional.

Seeing me he greeted me with a friendly voice as he gave me a tour of his store I asked him how he did all this. He then explained that his wife worked in marketing and had connections with many people and that without her this would not be here.

As he explained I now wanted to meet with his wife asking where his wife was he told me we were about to meet her. passing through a door I soon saw a woman bearly in her thirties with a large belly.

Entering in James started to introduce me to his wife.

"Honey this is Jack Lee the young man that I told you all about and Jack this is my wife and future mother of my child Rose."

"Nice to meet you rose"

"Nice to meet you, Jack, my husband has told me great things about you, and thank you for saving him in the past without your help I would have not met the father of my child."

"It's nothing it was by chance that I met him and he has told me great things about you last night"

As we talked Rose told James that they were invited to the King's Ball tonight. Hearing this James was soon energized and asked if she was lying.

Pulling out the invitation James took it as he read it he confirmed it and asked Rose if she was alright to make it. Telling James that she could not make it tonight due to her pregnancy she told James to take me instead.

As they both looked at me I told them I couldn't soon rose insisted and told me that her husband brings bad were everywhere he goes seeing her smile I agreed.

Asking James for their invitation as I read I found out that pets could be brought asking James if it was alright to bring my Dhara and my Apollo he told me I could and asked how Dhara was doing and how was Apollo.

Telling him that she was doing fine and that she has grown a bit and Apollo was my messenger hawk. talking to one another Rose asked what type of pet was Dahara.

James soon explained that Dahara was a mini bagger mole that Jack has raised since he was young. hearing that Dahara was a mini badger mole she asked if she could meet her before the ball started. Promising her that I would bring her to so that she could meet I saw the smile on her face.

for the next few hours, we talked as it started to get dark Rose told us that we needed to get ready before the ball starts. Leaving and telling them I would be back in a bit I went back home to shower and change into something more formal.

finally getting ready I whistled for Dahara and Apollo to flow me.

Arriving back at James I introduced Dahara to Rose, in the beginning, Dahara was scared of rose and soon she was wrapped around as if she was protecting the baby. Not seeing James I asked her where he was she then explained that he should be back shortly.

He soon entered the room panting trying to catch his breath seeing me he asked if I was ready telling him that I was I called Dhara over and told Rose thanks one more and told her I keep her husband out of trouble.

Leaving for the ball Dahara wrapped around James for the whole trip before we arrived at the king's castle seeing people form a line at the entrance we followed their lead.

shortly after the guards asked for our ticket and James started looking in every pocket not able to find it as he started to sweat I pulled out and hand it to the guard.

After checking it they allowed us in.

The End.