Chapter 65: Ball Time

After handing our invitation to the guards they allowed us entry and as soon we stepped all eyes were on us.

Getting started by hundreds of eyes felt unsettling to me for some weird explanation remembering that I brought Dahara and Apollo I knew why. As I turn my head toward James I saw how nervous he was.

Telling Apollo to land on James's arm as he did James soon felt a light prick on his shoulder getting rid of his nervousness I then asked him who we needed to talk with. He soon started to remember what his wife told him that many high-profiled people would be here as he transformed into another person in a blink of an eye.

Seeing the more confident James helped me gain my own as I straighten my back and asked who we needed to talk to James answered right away the "Earht Monarch's advisor Long Feng".

As he spoke those words I knew James was a hundred percent serious not wanting to mess it up I followed his lead. Passing throw the crowd and introducing ourselves to every guest we passed James was able to give each and every one of them a business card and made several meetings with them in the near future.

Soon I saw the Earth's Monarch notifying James of his location we headed straight in his direction. Getting closer we started to hear the Earth Monarch's complaints about how boring the party was for his pet bear Bosco as he spoke to his advisor Long Feng.

Soon James walked up to Long Feng offering him a proposition of entertainment to please the king. Hearing this Long Feng asked how to point at me James told Feng that I was a musician. Looking at me he soon gasped as he saw Dahara asking what I could offer James told him that I was a musician.

Asking what instrument I played I spoke telling him "The flute". Calling someone over and ordering them to bring a flute. He soon looked at Dahara and asked if my companion was part of my act. Telling him that she would grab everyone's attention when I started playing he soon handed me the flute he just asked for.

Seeing an all-gold flute in front of me I took it out of his hand and placed on my mouth. Starting to play I soon grabbed some people's attention but as I started playing a teen with orange cloth and a bald head I knew who it was as they started water bending creating a show to the beat of my music grabbing the Manrch and Bosco's attention.

Playing continuously I gave a light whistle to Apollo and Dahara and asked them to join the man. Rushing at the table Dahara started spinning and waving back and forth grabbing some of the people and as for Apollo, he started flying around them.

Soon everyone was looking at the table not hearing the Earth Monchar's complaints Long Feng asked James what his reason for helping him was.

Looking at James with a serious face James told the truth after hearing the Monarch complain and coming up with a way to solve it to have a chance to talk with him.

Hearing this Long Feng thanked James and asked what he wanted to talk about. Taking this opportunity James went all out promoting his cabbage business and trying to convince Long Feng to buy his goods.

After a few minutes, the Aang stopped and bowed knowing that this was the end I stopped playing hoping that James had enough time to talk with the advisor.

Calling Dahara and Apollo back I started returning the flute but as soon as I did Long Feng told me that I could keep it and that it was a small gift of our agreement. Looking back at James he showed me a thumbs up.

Soon the soldier that I saw at the bar was coming out as they started escorting the Manrch out and James went talking With Aang.

Being escorted out and not wanting to deal with anything I followed James home and for the whole trip, he was all smiles. Arriving at his house and seeing Rose James told her the good news and that he would have a meeting tomorrow with Long Feng to get into more detail about our agreement.

Hearing this Rose hugged James and told me thanked me for helping her husband telling her that it was no problem inviting me in I told them that it was already late and that the meeting would be early tomorrow. telling me good night I started walking back home.

Getting closer I spoke out loud " You may come out now."

As I spoke three girls in green and battel makes up on I asked them what business they had with me. Not wanting to speak I lifted my chin up and in an instant before they could react they were all trapped. Having their whole body covered only leaving their heads exposed.

Right after getting trapped the one in the middle spoke "It's us, Jack"

Hearing her voice I released them and asked them why they were there.

As they all started gasping for their breath Azula spoke.

" My father gave us a mission to capture Ba sing Se and we were lucky to spot you at the Ball."

"So you are the ones they were following us from the Ball so why did you come to me knowing full well I am on vacation?"

"My father has not been able to contact you recently and told me if I

found you to give you this."

Throwing a scroll at me I opened it and inside of it was a mission request for me to help them capture Ba Sing Se.

Giving it back to them I asked them when the plan would start

"In two days' time"

"Alright till then I am still on my vacation"

Entering my house and waiting till they left I slept wondering what plan they had.?

The End