Chapter 66: End of Vacation

After meeting with Azula and the rest I enjoyed the rest of my vacation for the next few days. Leaving my house I met up with James and Rose as they took me to a new Tea restaurant that boomed over the night.

Arriving at the restaurant we saw how full it was and had a wait time of over two hours. As we got told this I suggested going somewhere else agreeing to my suggestion we left the restaurant and found a dinner around the corner that was nearly empty.

Getting sat down I asked James when his meeting with Long Feng would be he then explained that it was pushed back till tomorrow. Asking why he told me that something urgent happened to need Feng's time. Telling him that he still had a meeting cheered him up a bit ordering some liqueur to quench his doubt.

After a few cups, James was back to normal and started to enjoy himself. Seeing James change gave Rose a smile as we enjoyed the food for the next hours but everything came to end as James was too drunk to do anything.

Helping Rose take him back home Rose thanked me once more for all the help I have done as she started to explain all the times James talked about me saving or helping him.

Giving her a smile I told her that it was my pleasure and that James was one of the first friends I ever made after leaving home.

Hearing this Riose wanted to ask about my past but we soon arrived at their house placing James on his bed I bid them farewell and left.

Still having the rest of the day I decided to go to the Hot springs as I found one I asked the clerk if they allowed pets. But as soon as I asked this he pointed at a sign telling me that pets were not allowed.

Pulling a small pouch and pushing it toward the man he gave me large smile and apologized telling me that they only allowed service animals.

Entering the bath I showered Dhara and myself before entering the spring water as we both soaked in the hot water a server asked if I wanted a bottle telling her Yes she soon brought me one and with it cut fruit for Dahara.

After a few hours, we left the Hot spring and started heading back home but on my way there a messenger hawk landed in front of me. Seeing a letter I grabbed it and opened it seeing that it was from Azula I read it.

It explained that I was needed tonight and at the bottom, it had the meeting destination. Sighing I changed into all-black clothes and took my spear and gold and red mask.

Flying through the night I soon arrived at the destination after a second the three of them came out behind the trees.

Seeing them I asked if they really need my help right now. Azula's son spoke telling me that tonight was the best time to strike.

Letting out a deep breath I asked them what they need my help with. Azula started explaining that The Earth Monarchs' adviser Long Feng got arrested this morning and that they need me to help break him out.

Hearing the news of Long Feng's arrest I started to feel sorry for James and Rose knowing that by tomorrow Ba Sing Se would be under siege.

We soon started to run through the night getting closer to the Earth Monarch Castel. As Azual and the rest were able to sneak in with their disguises Dahara and I had to earth bend to the underground cells.

After a few minutes, we arrived in the cells waiting for Azula to arrive I started looking for Long Feng but as soon as I found him Azula arrived.

Opening the window hatch Azula started talking with Long Feng convincing him to team up with us and take over Ba Sing Se. In the beginning, he was not convinced but when Azula mentioned him becoming the next ruler and becoming an ally of the Fire nation intrigued him.

But it was not enough he soon asked for a request for the capture of the Avatar and his group. Hearing this Azula smiled and extended her hand as they shook in agreement Azula gave me the signal to open the door.

As I grabbed the door I pulled it open letting Long Feng out placing the door back and covering any traces of braking We soon left.

After leaving the underground prison Azula told me to go back and that tomorrow she would call me when I was needed.

Running back I ran to James as I snuck into his house and woke both of them up. Seeing me gave both of them a shock but Rose soon asked why I was there so late.

Waiting till they were fully awake I began telling them that Ba Sing Se would be under siege in the next few days and that I came to tell them to leave and go deeper into the earth nation Till it was over.

After finishing explaining they did not move for a second and asked me if I was lying looking at both of them I told them I was serious and that some of the Fire Nations elite forces have already sneaked in.

Soon their facial expression changed to one of sorrow as all of their hard work was down the drain. As they started packing the essentials I told them to leave tomorrow morning taking the first caravan out of the city.

Writing two letters and giving them my bracelet that Old Mo gave me I told them once they arrived at the next major city to show the guard my bracelet and give them the letter A. In it, I wrote what was going on in Ba sing Se and that they were that James and Rose were the messengers. Once they meet a commanding officer hand him letter B and tell him to send it to my grandfather Fan Mo with my bracelet.

Explaining the plan James asked what I would tell them and that I had to stay soon as the sun started to rise I then pulled out a large coin bag gave it to them and told them that this should help them for the next few months.

Taking them to the closet caravan I said my final fair well to them and wished them luck on their journey but right before they left Rose came up to me and told me to be safe for my future niece or nephew as she hugged me and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

Waving them off Apollo soon landed on my shoulder with a letter.

The end.