Chapter 67: Taking Over Ba Sing Se 1

Seeing the messenger hawk I grabbed the letter and knew I was called by Azula as I opened it was exactly what I thought.

It soon explained that I needed to meet up with them at the monarch's castle and help them capture the king and one of Avatar's teammates. Putting the letter away I started flying to the meet-up point seeing Mai I landed right next to her and surprised her.

Calming down she told me to follow her, leading me into the castle as we passed many of the elite guards called the Dai Le seeing the look in their eyes I knew that they were skilled we soon arrived in the Earth Monarch's throne room.

Hiding behind the large curtains taking a peek I saw Azula, Ty Lee, and Katara. Seeing them I stayed silent hearing their conversation soon Azula gave the signal for the Dai Li to capture Azula. Seeing how they had trouble capturing her I raised my chin as my bending started to surround her body.

Coming out of the showdown with Mai Katara's eyes widen as she called my name.


Giving her a light smirk Azula gave the order to take her to the underground prison. Seeing Katara being taken away Azula then told me that we soon would meet with her brother and uncle and try to convince them to join the plan.

Hearing that I'll meet the banished prince and the Dragon of the West Irho I started to form a large Evil smile. Seeing me Azula told me that the meeting would be in an hour.

Following her, to the room we both waited in the room with Ty Lee and Mai. Rubbing Dahara's head to pass the time I asked Azula to explain the rest of her plan as she started to explain I agreed with everything about it.

After asking questions and coming up with backup plans the meeting soon was about to begin. Leaving the room as Dai Li led an old man with a large stomach and a man about my age with a burned scar on his left eye I knew who they were.

Seeing them sit Azula and I showed ourselves seeing us they both jumped up.

"Hello, Uncle and Zuko it's nice to meet you once again"

"Azula what is the meeting of this?"

"Oh uncle don't worry too much I'm just here to give you and Zuko a chance to come back to the Fire Nation."

"Whatever you planning we don't want anything to do with it."

"I knew you were going to say that but the offer was not for you but for my dear elder brother Zuko."

Hearing this Zuko seemed surprised.

"Brother this is a chance for you to come back as a hero and gain our father's respect once more, I hope that you say yes."

Not answering Iroh soon spoke.

"Azula do you know how I gain the nickname Dragon of the West." as he said this he took a sip of the tea

"I don't want to listen to your Old war stories uncle."

Knowing what he was doing I step in front of Azula and started to speak.

"I do Dragon of the West" I soon started to breathe dark blue flames mouth matching Iroh's.

Having his famed dragon's breath match he soon asked who I was and who taught me.

"You may call me Abaddon and as for your second question one that taught was the current Fire Lord Ozai."

hearing this both Irho and Zuko's expressions changed.

As they both threw a fireball at me I did the same as our flames clash a mini explosion happened. Losing eye contact with one another they both ran out of the room Azual then gave the order for the Dai Li to chase after them.

Chasing after them through the halls making a hole in the wall as Irho jumped and landed in some bushes but Zuko did not he soon told his uncle that he was going to fight a destiny that he was forced to have.

Knowing what he meant Irho left; As Zuko got into his fighting stance he shouted for Azula to fight him. Waiting for a response Azula told him that she was not his opponent and asked if I wanted to fight for her.

Walking a few steps I agreed getting into my stance I tried taunting him telling him that if he was still the same weak boy that was banished by his father. But his face did not change as he threw a flaming punch at me.

As his attack started getting closer to me I dodged it and stepped to the side and started running toward him. getting closer I tried hitting his right shoulder but as my fingertips were about to hit him he leaned back making me miss.

soon a smile was on my face showing my teeth Zuko launched a dragon's breath attack but before he could do it I swung at his throat making him stop his attack. Holding his throat I kicked the side of his head making him become discombobulated and hit both of his shoulders making his arm go limp then sweeping his legs and making him fall.

Falling to the ground The Dai Li threw their eath gloves on his feet and mouth restraining him they took him to the underground cells with Katara.

Looking out of the newly made hole I started to wish that Irho stayed to be able to fight the famed dragon. Lost in taught Azula came next to me and told me that her uncle would come back for his favorite grandchild and starting to smile we both left.

Aang POV:

Leaving the Earth kingdom I meet a Guru that was supposed to help me unluck my Avatar state. Telling me to give up all worldly possessions in my mind doing as He said I soon saw Katara getting captured by Abaddon.

Seeing this I left telling the Guru that I could let Katara go getting on Apa I left back to the Earth kingdom.
