Chapter 68: Taking Over Ba Sing Se 2

Aang POV:

After seeing Katara get caught by Abaddon I ran straight away to get Sokka telling him about my vision at first he was skeptical about what I said after a few seconds of convincing him we both left back to Ba Sing Se.

Entering the city we met up with Toph telling her what happened we went to the Earth Monarch's castle.

Getting a meeting with him I explained my vision of what I saw after finishing and told me that he has not seen Katara since after the meeting and that the last thing he heard was that she was with the Kyoshiv worriers. Tusting him we left back to our apartment worrying about her we soon heard a knock.

Wondering who it was Toph explained that she knew who it was opening the door we saw Irho.

As Sokka and I stare at him Toph explained how they met after receiving some advice from him Toph then allowed him. Stepping in he told us that Princess Azula heard and that she was not alone.

Hearing this I asked if it was a man called Abaddon wearing a golden mask with red lines shaking his head Sokka and I started to sweat.

After a few seconds, Toph asked who Abaddon was only hearing bits and pieces from us. Looking at Toph I explained that Abaddon is a dangerous bender and the pupal of the fire Lord Ozai and nearly brought the South Water tribe to ruin even without his bending he is still as dangerous. Holding a long black spear and acupuncture martial arts he could take us down with ease but we know nothing of him not even his reason for fighting.

Whenever we face him it feels like he toys with us.

After I explained this Irho then asked if everything I said was true telling him that it was, he had a look of a surprise after hearing this he gave us an offer that he would face him as long as we help rescue nephew Zuko.

But as soon as he said this Sokka wanted to refuse but I stopped him before he rejected I accepted Irho then gave me a smile.

Heading back to the Earth Monarch's Castel we capture one of the Dai LI after interrogating him where they kept the prisoners he told us in the crystal caverns under the city.

Finding one of the tunnels we separated into two groups Sokka, Toph, and Momo would inform the Monarch about the Azula while Irho and I would sneak into the Catacombs we soon separated.

Jack POV:

Being the plans we started capturing all the Military commanders sending the Dai Li we were able to capture them all in a matter of hours. Soon all that was left was the Earth Monarch.

Mai POV:

After Azula started the take over Ty Lee and I stayed guarding the Monarch and his bear Bosco. After a few hours, half of the team Avatar showed up only being the Earth bender and the boomerang boy.

Seeing them Ty Lee started flirting with Boomerang Boy but as he did the Earth bender launched back with me. Seeing the attack I threw my knives at her but at the last second, the bender blocked my attacks with an Earth wall.

Beginning the fight Ty Lee went after the boy as they fought I had to be very cautious with my opponent. As the fight went on we pushed them back together facing each other and preparing the attack one another Azula shouted threatening to kill the Monarch if they did not give up.

Dropping their guard Ty Lee immobilized them as one of the Dai Li captured the flying limer. After cuffing them we sent them to prison. Not seeing Jack I asked Azula where Abbadon was she then told me that he was guarding the Zuko and the water bender.

Jack POV:

Told Azula that I would stay and watch Katara and Zuko she left to capture the Earth monarch that Mai and TyLee have been guarding.

Staying in the shadows I made sure that I did not give away my position. After a few minutes of nothing, Dahara came out of the earth and started to growl. Hearing her I started to focus on my feet I soon saw two people sneaking as I started to smile.

A few seconds later a hole was soon formed in the wall after the dust settled two people came out I soon saw Aang and Irho as they Hugged one another I stepped out of the shadow and started Aplading.

Hearing me they all looked at me once they saw me they all got on guard as Aang, Zuko, and Irho started to point their fist at me.

Seeing this I had a large smile on my face as I got into my stance. I soon spoke and asked Irho if he was going to fight me or run away but as I said the last two words I look at Aang.

But as soon as I said this Aang soon had a sour expression starting to giggle Irho spoke telling me that I should be the one surrendering as he told me it was four against one as he throw a water pouch at Katara.

Responding right way I told him that even if I was outnumbered by a hundred to one I would still come victorious.

"You're overestimating your self boy!'

"No, you're under resting me!"

Rushing at them I threw my spear at Katara as it flew Aang pulled out his staff and redirected it making it hit the ground. As my attack failed Irho and Zuka threw flame attacks at me becoming face-to-face with them I ignited my foot as I destroyed their attacks.

Coming out of the smoke Katara launched a water wipe at me ducking down I was soon facing to face with Zuko about to strike his face Irho took my attack head crossing his arms he started to get pushed back and landed on his back

Falling down I started running toward Aang as I got closer I grabbed my spear pulling out of the ground with ease I would it at his torso but Aang was quick enough and blocked. Focusing all my attacks on Aang's swing from left to right and spinning my spear blocking any of Aang's attacks.

As our fight got more intense Zuko and Katar both launched simultaneous attacks on me. Sensing their movement I stabbed my spear on the ground and jumped on leaping away from their attacks and colliding.

the Steam soon started to disappear as it did I hovered in the air as I condensed the flames coming out of my feet. I soon started throwing a volley of flame attacks in rapid sensation seeing this they all started to dodge until Aang created an earth dome protecting them.

Not being able to see them I started descending to the ground extending one of my legs out and I started to spine increasing my speed I hit the dome with my heel and landed in the middle of all four of them. Creating a strong enough force they all got launched hitting the wall and getting on their knee.

trying to catch my breath I asked Irho once more if I still need to surrender. Hearing my taunt he stood up once more and told me that the fight was not over running towards him I grabbed my spear.

Running towards him Irho started moving one of his arms across his chest and launched a lightning bolt at me. Seeing this I covered my spear with my flames and throw it at it. As they were about to collide a second bolt of lightning came out and canceled them both out.


The author here I hope yall are enjoying this chapter as I did when I wrote it and I hope y'all keep supporting me this the very end Thank you and I hope yall enjoy the rest of your day Thank You.