Return to the Kingdom

The next morning, after the night filled with joy had passed, Tusk woke up from his sleep and saw that all the villagers had been doing their day's activities.

Some were looking for firewood, some were building houses to live in and children were running with great laughter.

Seeing this Tusk smiled because he saw this sight.

Then the head of the village approached the tusk and said.

Pharas : tusk how do you feel.

Tusk : this is really reassuring, because you can see the happy smiles of the villagers." Tusk said while smiling

Pharas says I hope there will be peace in this place, because seeing this is really a happy moment for me.

Tusk nods agreeing with what pharas said.

After that, Tusk started helping the villagers build their homes.

Day after day and without realizing that Tusk has been in this village for half a month, Tusk is already familiar with the villagers because Tusk often jokes with the village children. The parents of the children are very happy to see Tusk.

With these things being done a few more days passed and finally a month had passed since when tusk came and stayed at this place, finally tusk looked for the village head and said that he would return to the kingdom because there were still things he had to do.

The village chief who heard this nodded his head and gave tusk some more advice about that ancient magic.

Tusk, who has lived in this village for a month, continues to study this ancient magic and has mastered it even though there are still many visible gaps, but thanks to the guidance of the village head, Tusk has almost mastered all of this magic.

The next day tusk stood in front of the village's new entrance and saw this newly created village, with unobtrusive buildings and a river nearby tusk felt that this was a very beautiful village.

After a while the village head and the residents came and approached the tusk, then the village head said.

Pharas : tusk it's time for you to continue your journey, if there is time I hope you stop by again to this village.

Tusk : of course village head, if things are stable I will definitely visit here again.

Hearing this the head of the village smiled and said goodbye to Tusk.

Pharas : tusk I can only pray that you have a smooth journey.

Tusk : thank you village chief, then I will go first.

Finally tusk walked out of the village just before he walked too far when he heard the villagers scream.

Villager : tusk good luck on your trip.

Tusk looked back and waved his hand.

After that, Tusk continued his steps until he was no longer seen by the village head and his inhabitants.

After seeing this the villagers came back into the village and did their activities and the village head was still standing there muttering a few words.

Pharas : tusk I hope you can make your dreams come true.

Finally the village head entered his village.

Tusk continued his journey and finally he passed through the forest where he did battle with the bandits, Tusk saw the place where he sealed the bandits but the bandits had disappeared from that place.

Tusk couldn't help but think that there must be another group that saved them and he decided to tell Steven this problem. Incidentally he is a royal guard. Maybe he can help me, because this will concern the security of the villagers.

Tusk's journey to the kingdom continues where Tusk takes five days to arrive at the job, during this journey Tusk continues to practice this new magic that he got.

Finally tusk arrived at the royal entrance and he saw an acquaintance in front of the gate who was none other than steven.

Seeing Steven in front of the gate Tusk immediately greeted.

Tusk : hey steven how are you?

Steven who saw the tusk approaching and greeted him replied.

Steven : oh tusk kah, long time no see how do you think I'm doing hahaha.

Tusk : ckckc I don't think I need to ask anymore hahaha.

Steven : you smelly boy, where did you come from?

Tusk: I finished doing the task Irene gave me, the task told me to help villagers on the eastern border evacuate themselves so they wouldn't be affected by the war.

Steven who heard this nodded and immediately asked if there was anything he could help.

Tusk : I happen to have something important I want to talk to you about.

Tusk : hey steven when I carried out an escort to move the villagers I was attacked by bandits in a forest, I fought them and won the battle and sealed them with my magic, but when I was on my way home I saw that where I sealed the bandits they're gone, I think there must be some group still hidden in that forest.

Tusk : I hope you can help me to comb the forest area because with your rank it's an easy thing to do.

Steven : it won't be easy to stab because it's a forest they will definitely hide but you don't need to worry I will immediately investigate the area and clean up the bandits, they are trash that must be cleaned up. Steven said with a serious face

Tusk : thanks steven for your help.

Steven : it's okay tusk, I thank you for your report because it is very helpful in making the people of this kingdom safe.

Tusk nodded his head and after that conversation left Steven heading into the royal palace.

Tusk : ok steven i will go see irene first to report this.

Steven : ok tusk thanks for your hard work.

Tusk walked towards the royal palace and before he entered he stopped by a shop to buy some bread, while walking tusk ate his bread and thought about this ancient magic.

Tusk : According to the village chief's note, he changed some of the magic sequences of this magic so that it is not too risky, but this magic is still included in ancient magic which is very extreme because there will be sacrifices given.

Tusk : This really makes me feel bad, considering the magic I'm currently using.

Because the dragon slayer magic that Tusk is currently using is almost the same, because it turns his grandfather into a soul that is used to make antibodies in Tusk's body.

Sighing Tusk continued to enter the palace and when he got to the palace he saw Irene in a circle inside the palace and there were Igneel, Metalicana, Grandine, Weiislogia, and Skiadrump.

Seeing this tusk immediately shouted and greeted.

Tusk : hahaha hie smelly dragon, Irene I'm back. "shouted tusk"

Hearing this annoying sound they all saw that there was a boy in front of the circle's entrance.

Suddenly they all answered.

Igneel : hey stinky boy it turns out you're still alive haha I thought you'd been eaten by a dragon hahaha.

Grandine : little tusk you better change your words a bit or you will get a punch.

Metalicana : ckckck looks like this smelly boy should be taught some lessons.

Weiislogai: hmm I agree with that.

Skiadrump: good idea.

Irene : glad you survived little boy.

Tusk : hahahah happy to be home. Tusk said with laughter

Hearing this they all smiled looking at the boy.

Finally tusk approached and began to tell about his journey this time.

Tusk started his story from the beginning of meeting the village head and the battle he had, then he glanced at Irene and asked.

Tusk : irene village head ever said that you have been there and learn magic?

Irene replied.

Irene : yes tusk a few years ago I went to that village because I read from the royal archives that there was a village that had magic to kill dragons, but when I learned from the head of the village it turned out that magic is magic requiring a sacrifice if you want to use it.

Irene : that's why I didn't learn that magic but used the basis of that magic and made a new magic that I call strengthening magic, which no sacrifice is needed.

Irene : but this magic can't benefit like the village's ancient magic.

Tusk: that's a great thing irene, you can create a new magic based on that ancient magic even though it can't be the same as that ancient magic. "said tusk excitedly"

Irene smiled for a moment and said to tusk.

Irene : so tusk do you want to learn my magic?

Tusk : thank you irene however, I don't think it's necessary it will only make it more difficult for me to strengthen my magic, even though your magic can give me additional strength but this is against what I want.

Hearing this irene nodded in agreement with what tusk said then added, because if one were to learn different magic then it would take a lot of time to improve them simultaneously.

And the other five dragons nod at what irene said.

Then tusk took out a book and showed it to all of them.

Seeing this book they were all curious because from its color and shape it was the first ancient book they saw.

Tusk chuckled and said.

Tusk : hehehe are you curious about the contents.

They all nod

Tusk : if you guys really want to know this just try shouting the word tusk is the most handsome man in the world haha." tusk said with a laugh"

Hearing this they all looked at each other and decided to beat up this annoying brat.

Finally, irene used restraint magic secretly on tusk so he couldn't escape.

Tusk felt that his body was being held, could not help but see Irene who smiled like a devil and sweat started to come out of his forehead.

The five dragons in unison said sarcastically to Tusk.

The five dragons: hehehe handsome tusk have you made yourself a tombstone hehe.

Hearing this sentence, Tusk was already starting to regret why he had provoked these old dragons.

Finally painful lamentation sounded from within the palace.

After teaching the tusk they all felt that today was a very sunny day and finally they all left the tusk who was lying in the field.

Tusk who was lying down saw them all go and screamed.

Tusk : Damn you old bastards, just wait I will definitely beat you all up!!!

Hearing this tusk scream they all burst out laughing and walked away leaving the boy there.

After some time irene came closer to tusk who was having bad luck, then he chuckled and said.

Irene : hehehe how handsome boy does it taste very good hehe.

Hearing this tusk saw irene with a pleading face said.

Tusk: ohh, my beautiful sister, please heal me." Tusk said while begging.

Hearing this irene looked at tusk with a disgusted face and said.

Irene: damn smelly boy hear your words I want to beat you.

And once again a painful lamentation sounded from within the palace.

The victimized Tusk started to complain.

Tusk : damn I'm not going to provoke them again.

Finally, after that short event, Irene started looking for Grandine and asked for her help to heal Tusk who was lying helpless.

Grandine came and started doing healing magic on tusk and finally when she was done she left the place.

Irene also said to tusk.

Irene : tusk tomorrow come to the back of the mountain there will be important things to talk about.

Tusk : ok, then I'll go first.

Tusk went out of the palace and started to go to the mountain behind he planned to wait here until tomorrow while practicing this exchange and sacrifice magic he got.
